[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fBncZ6R.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][h1] Kieran and Maine [/h1][/center] [@kidd] [color=a0410d]Maine[/color] and [color=lightpink]Cori[/color] [justify][indent]Maine fell on all fours, projectile vomiting everywhere in front of him. Maine was very unprepared for his sudden departure from the realm of man, and was already cery hungover and...well....did not have time to get every drug out of his sytem either. The sudden departure left him dazed, confused, and everything that was in his stomach was suddenly in front of him on the ground. Maine wiped his mouth and stood up, shakily, worried something he took just kicked in. He looked around and had to admit it was a beautiful trip, surrounded by a lush green forest. Maine tried to remember what just happened. He had just gotten off the phone with his mother, who ahd been bitching about stupid crap, and he had planned to screw around the rest of the afternoon. He was walking to one of his favorite breakfast places when.....a strange glow and strange lights appeared around him. Maine had chalked it up to him just being crazy and dint pay any mind. He was still feeling the effects of the party from the previous night. So when he actually was teleported to...wherever this was Maine was beyond shocked. The Faires spoke, and Maine listened intently. He realized he was not tripping and this was extremely real, and Maine had no idea what kind of agenda these people had. He didnt like it. He did not like not knowing, he was used to being the smartest person in the room. But he felt like he had no choice but to follow, or at least if he did followed he would be taken care of. He refused to have to use the bathroom outside, like some kind of poor person or lower class person. He deserved, he felt, to only use the restroom on only the highest quality made toilet. Maine followed the Fairies and found his supposed Cabin. He felt like he was going to be played, that something odd was going to happen, but Maine really needed some kind of beverage and to lay down. He did not feel that great. Maine walked up to a cabin, fiddled with the handle to see if it was unlocked, and when he found it was he went inside. Maine could not help but leave his jaw hanging open. Inside the cabin, it was amazing with shining brilliant crystal walls and floors, with dazzling tapestry and furniture. Maine took a tentative step inside, and found himself almost in tears. The floors were insulated. This was perfect. His room wa ssomehow perfect. Maine took a step back outside and closed the door, feeling better and refreshed just from seeing something so Goddamn beautiful. He could enjoy this cabin later, for as long as he wanted. Maine walked back over to the still ever present group of people. He looked the entire group over and instantly clicked his tongue. There was.....poor people present. And the clothes of some of these people, did they have no shame? nameless, brandless clothing? Did they just....not care they looked trash? Maine shoved these thoughts aside though, realizing he was going to probably need some of this trash to advance here. So really anyone was fine to talk to first. But who> Maine scanned the group and the closest person to him was a young female, very impeccably dressed. Maine smiled. Finally someone with some kind of sense. Maine walked over to the finely dressed young women and stood beside her. [color=a0410d]"So when I woke up this morning I had not theorized I would taken away to NeverLand. What about you?"[/color] Cori's gaze found Maine's, her mouth straight and eyebrow furrowed at him. "[color=lightpink]You're the guy who threw up,[/color]" she said flatly. Maine, still confident as ever, simply shrugged. [color=a0410d]"What can I say the ride to NeverLand was bumpy and did not agree with me. Slightly undignified, but I believe I can make up for it. My name is Maine Aarvack, how do you do?"[/color] Now her demeanor changed. Her crossed arms dropped to her side, Cori stood a little straighter. She recognized the name, though she had never met an Aarvack. "[color=lightpink]Cori Woods,[/color]" she offered, her tone polite as she offered a hand for him to shake. She was still dazed by what he freely joked about being Neverland, and she welcomed the normalcy of a simple introduction. "[color=lightpink]Do you have any idea what's going on?[/color]" she asked. Maine blinked, recognizing her. Cori Woods, daughter of a very famous buisness man and a very gorgeous super model, also highly known for her unusal looks. Maine shook her hand. [color=a0410d]"Good to see someone of appropriate status here, I was at first afraid the common rabble would become and infestation in this group. I have no idea, at first I thought that this was just a bad trip, but I have no doubt in my mind this is somehow real. But...think about."[/color] Maine crossed his arms and twitched his nose, a habit he has when he gets into buisness mode. [color=a0410d]"Think about the possibilites if we learn about this place as much as possible, and bring something back as proof. I have no doubt we would be able to name any price we wanted, be it money or something else. And the fame alone would put us above the stars."[/color] Her polite smile tightened. [color=lightpink][i]Common rabble,[/i][/color] she thought, gaze flickering to Nicolas Jensen. Though the word didn't sit well with her for other reasons, but she found it inappropriate to argue with him about it. Besides, he moved on to an interesting topic soon enough. Her gaze narrowed, maybe appearing suspicious but she was considering it thoughtfully. However, Cori found herself hesitant, complaints of her father suddenly ringing in her ears and she couldn't help the frown. She should be more like Maine. Then maybe she wouldn't have been assigned a husband. It was a long shot, but Cori was never one to miss out on a potential opportunity; if Maine was onto something, she could use that to get her parents off her back. "[color=lightpink]That's...true,[/color]" she agreed. She looked back to him, making a snap decision. He'd just have to think he was leading this, and she knew his type. That'd be easy enough. "[color=lightpink]What do you suggest we do? How do we even leave?[/color]" Maine wave his hand around, gesturing to their surroundings. [color=a0410d]"Well thats the thing I do not know. I dont like not knowing. But granted we have not been here that long. So what I am thinking is we do not look for a way out, dont want to give these.....fairies...the wrong idea. We learn the layout of the land, with maps and such, find any type of treasure, and find out how to go and leave last of all. Learning the location of this place is a mint in itself."[/color] Maine rubbed his chin. He did not want to be here for any longer than he had to, he had other things he could be doing, but with someone else here of equal status almost with Maine obviously leading, he realized he needed to make the best of a bad situation. Cori, from what he remembered, was the slight rebel and realized he would have no issues with her. He may not be able to avoid pissing her off, but he would be able to use her. Even if she tried to use him, he could use that to his advantage. He is Maine fucking Aarvack, and would bring shame to his name if he did anything less. [color=a0410d]"So lets just see what these Pixies want and go from there. Anyways what were you doing before you got [i]Spirited Away[/i]?"[/color] "[color=lightpink]I was in class,[/color]" Cori complained, suddenly pouting. She didn't do the assignment and [i]now[/i] she wasn't even there. Attendence wasn't counted, but it still bothered her. Though her concerns broadened now that she thought about it: how would she even explain this? She disappeared right before her classmates' eyes. "[color=lightpink]Ugh,[/color]" she said before continuing to Maine, "[color=lightpink]What about you?[/color]" [color=a0410d]"Well...I was on my way to get some breakfast, just coming back from a party,"[/color] Maine said thinking back to the conversation he had with his mother, [color=a0410d]"Plus I am dealing with some stuff. My mother wants me to get married to some stranger, because she doesnt approve of the way I spend my evenings."[/color] Cori blinked, tensing. That was..an odd coincidence. "[color=lightpink]Oh...? My parents have arranged a marriage for me, too,[/color]" she admitted carefully. Arranged marriages weren't exactly common, and Maine was from a prominant family. It wasn't him, was it? Already she could tell he was man her father would approve of, business sense and all. The thought had her eyeing him up and down, unsmiling, concerned for him should her boyfriend find out. Maine, suprised to hear Cori was in a similiar situation, prevented himself from acting suprised and reevaluting her physical appearance. He was not sure if she was someone who his mother would choose, considering her "condition", but it was possible. Maine did not care though, it was not like he was going to go through with it. He was smart and he thougbt he could figure a way around it. [color=a0410d]"It is, but it doesnt matter. No way in hell am I going through with it. I am smart, I can figure out a way out of it. Especially with this new discovery,"[/color] Maine said gesturing again to his surroundings Cori refrained from sighing in relief. Good. So even if it was him, he shared her sentiments. "[color=lightpink]Your mother would have to let you make your own decisions if you built your own fortune on all this,[/color]" she agreed, following his gesture. "[color=lightpink]Good luck, Maine.[/color]" She nodded, unsure what else to say; she struggled with words where they counted. Besides, she was curious to see the inside of her cabin. Maine nodded, and whipped out his phone. He offered it to Cori. [color=a0410d]"Put your number in, we should be able to communicate while we are here."[/color] She hesitated in taking his offer, but ultimately tapped her number into his phone because no matter where they stood once they got back to the real world, connections were connections. "[color=lightpink]I hope our phones work here,[/color]" she commented as she handed it back to him, her contact information saved. Maine pocketed his phone, then texted the number, seeing that the text went through. He smiled. [color=a0410d]"Seems like it."[/color] Maine nodded at Cori, then took a step to the side allowing her to leave or move or do whatever, signifying he was done with the conversation. [/indent][/justify] [hr] [color=0076a3]Kieran[/color] and [color=coral]Tabi[/color] [@caits] [justify][indent]Kieran eyed the cabins, seeing one for him but shaking his head. This wasnt his home and he wasnt going to get settled in. He eyed the inside of Tabi's cabin and frowned. If these things looked like what you wanted them too deep down, then no way he was going to stay inside his because he knew what it would look like already and had no desire to be there. Kieran put a hand on Tabis head and ruffled her hair. [color=0076a3]"Cmon kiddo, of course this is real. This is a magical land of fairies and who knows what else where it seems our wildest fantasys come true. Your saying this isnt your average morning? You dont normally come here? Lame. I have never written something this.....fairy like but I sure as hell am going to later."[/color] Kieran motioned for Tabi to follow him and walked inside the cabin, looking it over. It was......creative to say the least and original. [color=0076a3]"Your crazy Tabi, but its cool. I guess we are all crazy now huh? Neat cabin. Not gonna lie I like yours alot. might have to sneak in tonight."[/color] Kieran winked at Tabi then walked both himself and Tabi out, back towards the others in the group. Kieran looked over everyone in the group and decided to stay close to Tabi. He didnt exactly trust everyone here, but since he has known Tabi for all ten minutes longer than the rest and since she seemed the most innocent of them all he felt like he was better off staying close to someone he knew. Kieran turned around to say something to Tabi when he bumped into someone with his elbow. Kieran, holding Tabi's hand now, turned around and looked at the stranger apologetically with gleaming eyes and a smart smile. [color=0076a3]"Sorry my bad. Clumsy of me."[/color] Tabitha was a little perplexed at the "kiddo" and she pondered that for a moment, shaking her head slightly, and shrugging lightly, [color=coral]"My fantasy land is a little bit different to this. More...dragons then fairies"[/color] she said, a little amused, and smiled at him saying he'd write something later on this [color=coral]"Well, at least, out of this, you have some ideas for a book"[/color] She pointed out, following him inside the cabin that she guessed was hers. She smiled, blushing a little bit as she looked around the place again. [color=coral]"Not crazy. Eccentric"[/color] She said confidently, as she glanced about it again. She could see inside the small house that there was a bed, which seemed to take up the whole mini-house. She giggled lightly, looking back to him. [color=coral]"um. Do you think the fairies would allow that? They seem pretty weird...."[/color] she said thoughtfully, following him back out, swaying slighhtly when he bumped into someone, she glanced about, towards the person, but still a little uneasy, Tabitha didn't speak up, instead prefering, for the moment, to see what they were like. [@kaalee] [/indent][/justify] [@blackpanther][@kyrisse][@light the dark][@neno 1445][@ashevelendar]