[center][color=00CED1][h3]The Iceborn[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [b]X) Raise Army[/b] As Dag made his way back to the settlement, he realized that their current method of hauling the iron to the blacksmith in Dagshall was proving to be difficult. In fact, it was the only limiting factor. The miners could dig up entire boulders of ore and have it processed quickly enough, but there was only so much iron that a cart could carry and only so fast that a tribesman could pull the cart. So when Dag arrived with one of the first deliveries of iron, the shipment wasn't the great surplus that the tribe had been imagining. Still, there was enough for the smiths to begin crafting some new weapons and tools and so they got started with what iron they had. In the future they might look into finding a better method of transporting materials, but for now the carts were enough. It was not long after the smiths finished the first of the new axes and knives that a man ran into Dagshall bearing news of how the miners had discovered an entire cavern full of giblins. The man had left immediately after; for all they knew, the giblins were attacking the mine even now. Without hesitation, Dag demanded that everyone capable of holding lifting an axe assemble themselves into an army. The freshly forged axes and blades were swiftly grabbed, and after that the various levied warriors found other weapons. Old blunted axes that they had brought from the Fatherland, fishing harpoons, and hunting bows were all to be seen. They made do with what was available. Dag led them all at a quick march towards the mine. On the way he had little to do other than to steel himself for the worst. Still, there was some hope. The miners had not been entirely unarmed or defenseless, so an outright massacre was unlikely. [hider=Iceborn] -Dag has some new weapons and tools created from the first shipments of iron. -The cart system is being kept for now. -When he hears about the miners striking a cavern full of giblins, he mobilizes the tribe and marches to the mines with an army of everyone that can fight.[/hider]