[@Drache] By no means was I demanding that he change it, or that he was required to change it. I was simply stating, with no other action, how the vast majority of major dinosaur finds are unearthed in the modern world. I was stating what I thought, and how something actually works in the real world. If I'm not allowed to state my own opinion and thoughts on any matter, then what is the point of having an OOC, beyond a place to post a CS for the GM to review. If I post something in the thread's OOC, I do so with the intention to both submit it to the GM for review, and to see if any member of the roleplay has suggestions or thoughts on my character. If I refuse to let anyone see or comment on my work, then I could miss a mistake, or a detail, or an opportunity to make it better. I use OOC for discussion. I am not trying to beat him down with my criticism, but rather point out something that doesn't entirely make sense and could be clarified on. Constructive criticism, in other words. Please stop trying to pick a fight. (<- And this is not a demand or order, this is a plea.)