[@HaltingBlooper] I'm diamond rank, could probably push Masters, but its kinda difficult with all the throwers and how annoying the game is/how unfun the game is in comparison to something like TF2. Bastion will be used with Ana as a possible replacement to S76 or paired with S76, only since tank + nanoboost gives Bastion 85% damage reduction and free oneshots with his tank shots for a bit. Roadhog is just better. his RMB is now a scatter arrow more or less or even better than that once the patch comes. Meanwhile Ana can survive roadhog hooks and is the only 200 hp hero who will be able to do it since Blizzard hasn't bothered to fix her hitbox. Its 20% smaller than her model. This is Blizzard, they don't change their ideas until a few months down the line so they can spin them as a 'better design choice' instead of a mistake and they crap over anyone who points out they're reverting a change. I mean they're owned by Activision who just layed off a good chunk of their own employees, so don't expect Blizzard to get any better anytime soon. They also tend to have no design documents or rules to follow, I mean, half the skins change character silhouettes which are bad in the first place, something none of the VALVe shooters do.