I'm sure he's killed a dozen or so ninjas between here and there as well as many times as he's faced the LoA. Didn't he used to brag early on he could kill a man in X amount of seconds a handful of different ways? I would like it better if he was a clone and not in fact Bruce's kid. I can't accept him as the world's greatest detective otherwise. [@Burning Kitty] I don't think it's anger issues so much as it is pride. He usually boasts until an enemy makes him look stupid, then he gets reckless. IF he was such a great Robin though, he would've had more than a mini series by now. Nightwing has had a series go well beyond a hundred issues, Red Hood has been good since just before the New52, and Tim carried the Robin title for well into a hundred issues as well as the Red Robin title going beyond another thirty issues before the New52. Damian has as many haters as he does fans. He's leading the Teen Titans now [with a de-aged Starfire, IDK about that...], and getting the monthly with Superman's son Jon called 'Super Sons'. On his own though I just don't think he's as good as the others have proven to be. Grant Morrison wasn't enough to make me like Damian. I doubt any writer will. His appearances in the DC Animated Movieverse have been hit or miss, but him being in Titans makes sense since they're trying a little harder across the board to make the expanded media sync up somewhat. ~KL~