Dalia pursed her lips and stared at the glowing orbs floating above them. [color=a187be]"The Purgers yeah, I've heard of them. They don't come around here though. At least they're not complete idiots."[/color] The Daemon kicked one leg over the other, a foot waving in the air idly. [color=a187be]"Oh yeah I heard ALL about that! It was pretty funny if you ask me."[/color] Dalia grinned at Rasteva and Sara and letout a soft giggle. [color=a187be]"I bet they didn't feel so tough during their ride to the Hospital."[/color] Rasteva shifted on Sara's shoulder, looking a tad uncomfortable.[color=9e0b0f] "Erm...Yes, I am sure they did not enjoy their well deserved beating. But we did not come here to laugh at the misfortunes of others."[/color] Dalia rolled her eyes, flopping back onto the large cushion she'd seated herself on. [color=a187be]"You always were a downer Rasteva."[/color] The Raven stuck their beak up in the air haughtily, their tone not leaving room for any argument. [color=9e0b0f]"So you say. But I find such things to be a complete waste of time."[/color] Dalia sighed and flapped a dismissive at the other Daemon before continuing. [color=a187be]"Yeah. Okay so, we haven't had any problems with any Purgers around here. They're probably too afraid to come around here with so many Daemons in one place. We've mostly been okay, but a lot of the weaker Daemons are worried and are too afraid to go out alone."[/color] Dalia frowned, her brows furrowing. [color=a187be]"It's been bad for business, you know? It's hard to get anything done in this town when everyone is looking over their shoulder every few seconds."[/color] The woman groaned and sat up, staring pointedly at Sara and Rasteva. [color=a187be]"So then, it sounds like you two want to be vigilantes or whatever? That's real cute and all, but if you just run out there trying to solve everything, you're going to get your asses kicked."[/color] The purple haired woman affixed Rasteva with a particularly withering glare. [color=a187be]"ESPECIALLY you. What the hell even happened to you?"[/color] Dalia gestured rapidly at the Raven and Rasteva found themselves shrinking back in embarrasment. [color=9e0b0f]"I was caught off guard...But not by the Purgers. It was someone else....."[/color] Dalia stopped to push a strand of hair out of her face, still frowning at Rasteva. [color=a187be]"That is nowhere CLOSE to what I wanted to hear, but we're in the middle of something right now so I'll let it slide this time. But I want answers Rasteva, this is serious."[/color] Dalia eyed the other Daemon critically, chewing at her bottom lip nervously.[color=a187be] "Can you even project a form?"[/color] Rasteva huffed, their feathers ruffling indignantly. [color=9e0b0f]"Indeed I can! And it is a glorious form, I'll have you know!"[/color] Dalia arched a brow, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. [color=a187be]"Alright then big guy. Show me what you've got."[/color] Rasteva let out another indignant grumble and hopped down from Sara's shoulder to rest on the carpeted floor. They gave the Human girl a quick glance before foucsing on the task at hand. A plume of smoke erupted from the Raven's body and not long after a large Cobra sat coiled on the floor. Dalia cocked her head and gave the Cobra a once over before reaching over to pat its head gently. [color=a187be]"You're even cuter than before! Look at you!"[/color] Rasteva let out a low growling his and lunged forward, sinking their fangs into Dalia's hand. [color=a187be]"Hey! Cut that out! It's rude to just start biting people you know."[/color] The woman seemed rather nonplussed to have a laive Cobra hanging off of her and lifted her hand to raise the other Daemon to eye level.[color=a187be] "Seriously, you're no fun at all Rasteva."[/color] The Cobra emtitted an irritable sound before releasing Dalia's hand and plopping back onto the floor. [color=9e0b0f]"I would not be this way if you didn't insist on insulting me at every turn, Dalia."[/color] The purpled haired Daemon giggled softly at Rasteva before picking them up to inspect their new form closely. [color=a187be]"Oh hush. You love it and you love me. Now let's have a good look at you here....."[/color] Dalia gave the armor that Rasteva wore an apprasing look and gave a hum of approval. [color=a187be]"This is a pretty nice setup you've got here. It looks sturdy, but not at all restricting. I like the stitching on it too!"[/color] Rasteva flicked their tongue and wriggled impatiently in Dalia's hands before she set them down with a huff. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes, well any compliments that you might have should be directed to Sara, she was the one that made it for me."[/color] Dalia's eyes widened perceptibly and she cast a quick glance to the Human. [color=a187be]"What. SERIOUSLY?"[/color] The woman resumed inspecting the Armor, glancing back up at Sara every few seconds. "[color=a187be]Alright......I think I can help you two out....But I'm going to need a few things from you."[/color] Rasteva sunk into the carpet, knowing fully where this was going. [color=a187be]"Okay so, this boutique downtown has the CUTEST dress in their window, but that shit's expensive and I can't afford it. Obviously that can NOT stand, and I refuse to be seen out here looking like I got my clothes out of a dumpster. So you-"[/color] Dalia points a finger at Sara, a grin on her face. [color=a187be]"Are going to make me that dress! I have photos and everything, so it's all good. In exchange, I'll see about getting you some information on these Purgers, I have plently on connections in town and someone is sure to know something. After that we'll go from there. Deal?"[/color]