[h2] [color=orange]Landvarian[/color] [/h2] [hr] Landvarian worked on doing push-ups. When there's nothing else to do this is how he spends his time. He switched to one handed and then paused. Large ears swivled in the darkness as he heard footsteps. He quickly stood and waited for the person to get there. They did and held up chains. There were three guards and each looked at him like he was filth. red pink eyes held no emotion as he held out his arms. Chains went on heavy gloves went on and were secured. Then...the muzzle. His medium length tail swished against the back of his knees. He soon found himself being yanked out of the cells and outside. Blinking heavily he found himself enjoying the warmth and the beauty of the outside world. He had no shirt only worn pants and wraps that went around his angled feet. His white fur sparkled in the light that it had not really been exposed to before. Soon he was taken somewhere and chained. Large ears continually moved at any noise.