[h1][color=598527]Esailia Lelander[/color][/h1] _______________________________________________________________________________ Walking a post was not a fun pastime. Esailia had been a guard at the Citadel for little over six months now, and already she was starting to question whether this was better than living in the middle of nowhere. The pay raise from being a city guard allowed her more freedom to pursue hobbies such as metalworking and reading, afforded a home she didn't need to share with another guard, and her diet was much improved. But to walk back and forth on a set path for hours on end with very few distractions was not how she imagined her life to turn out. But this post allowed her a few joys. One of which was occasionally told to deliver meals to the magi in their cells. The Guardian never thought this task a chore. She felt that people shouldn't be put in such squalid conditions for events a hundred years passed, though she never mentioned this opinion to anyone. TO do so would be a one way trip to a similar cell or a quick drop and a sudden stop. So the Kil'garen did as she was told, never caused trouble, and used her position as an excuse to learn as much as she could about how the rest of the world viewed the Magi. On this particular day though, she was almost done with a night shift when a pair of Templar approached her. She saluted with her sword arm, at first thinking they were passing, but started when they halted her. "[b]Your shield.[/b]" One growled at her, and knowing something wrong, bent her knees slightly in wary preparation "[b]Guards are permitted personal weapons or shields if approved. What is this about?"[/b] she asked, her gaze flitting between the two. "[b]You have been summoned. Regulations state possible suspects are to be disarmed. You are not being charged with anything, but if you resist, we will use force.[/b]" The same Templar explained, the pair both reaching towards their swords. Esailia knew she was skilled, but so did these two. The Guardian nodded, unbuckling her shield and handing it over along with her swords' belt. What followed was her being bustled off, unsure where they were going, seeing others being hurried in the same direction. She gave a few blank glances towards the magi who were also being escorted, and her curiosity grew... Maybe walking a post wasn't so bad.