NOTE : They cannot cast spells. Name :Briss Line Race :Kil'garen Gender :Male Background : Thief Age ( 18 - 30 )18 Appearance[img][/img] ( picture / description if no picture is found ) :Briss is on the smaller side as Kil'garens go. Briss is only 5'0" tall. Briss's body is not packed with muscles like a warriors would be, but instead has lean muscle that is not as visible on his body making him seem slender or even skinny. Briss has a scar on his right arm from the elbow to his wrist. Briss is 140lbs or 63.5kgs. His apparel depends on the day but don't be surprised to see him wearing brown leather. Fur Color ( only if Kil'garen ) :Orange Eye color : Green Height :5'0" tall. Skills :Stealing things, Investigating, Picking Locks. Weapon Skills:Daggers is his specialty and butter. History ( you have to write a reason why he/she is serving at the Citadel ( not everyone is allowed to serve at the Citadel, only those that are trusted soldiers of the Empire ) : Also. Remember to write how did your character got to the Citadel based on the background you chose. Times were tough at Briss's home. One of a family of five and the youngest one at that Briss looked up to his older siblings. They were his heroes and if Briss ever had an issue about understanding something or if a fellow Kil'garen gave Briss a hard time, somehow one or the other of his siblings helped him out. One day though both of his siblings left and haven't returned, years passed and a feeling of despair came over Briss. A short while later Briss left his parents having waited long enough on the side lines and decided to find his siblings himself. He was only sixteen at the time but it didn't take him long to guess that something wasn't being told to him. Why hadn't they come back? Thus he had to take drastic measure to learn things from people, sneaking along walls to hear conversations in dark places. Tactics like this meant that bad things would happen if he were caught. Obviously learning this shady trade would have its dangers. Thus the secret breaking/gathering led Briss to an addiction to stealing allowing him to live as long as he could run away to live again another day. Eventually it seemed his siblings were not in his home town and thus Briss thought of the Empire. Briss didn't like the empire and all his life he hid when the Empire came through town, once or twice they saw a glimmer of his green eyes when they were searching for threats to their reign. They thought Briss was pathetic and left him alone. So far anyway. But now Briss has secretly approached the Citadel for answers to his siblings. He was discovered by someone important to the Citadel but he is not sure how far that information has spread. Predisposition to the Magi: Reminds him of the Empire and Briss is uncomfortable around them.: Personality :He is very timid, tending toward caution when interacting with others. He wouldn't intend to hurt anyone even if they yelled at him. He does have kindness and sympathy and will help others in need. He does have a sense of humor and can appreciate jokes but it takes a lot of his trust before he can believe someone is a friend. He does enjoy a challenge. Notes ( things purely for story ) :