[center][color=gray][h1]Dawkin Trustram[/h1][/color] [@PlatinumSkink] [/center] Now this was really too much, he couldn't fight these people with only two Pokemon, with one freshly caught no less. It seemed... ugh, he'd underestimated his foes. In over his head. Again. He'd try running one more time. His pokedex revealed Numel was basically stupid so he'd probably be able to get past. [color=gray]"Aron, mudslap Growlith, Whooper pull back, attack the girl with water gun!"[/color] Dawkin took advantage of this opportunity to... run like hell. Once Aron attacked he'd immediately be pulled back into his pokeball and the same would apply to Whooper. Dawkin doubted he'd make it far but his escape rope was already in hand if it looked like things were getting too far out of hand.