[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Isabella[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] The blonde haired young woman stood, staring at a target. One to rise early, with the first rays of daylight, Isabella wasn't one to waste daylight. She rose her bow, knocked an arrow. She pulled back slowly, and eyes on the target, she let the arrow fly, watching its path to the target. Pleased when it hit the bulls-eye, Isabella went to retrieve the arrow. Her gray eyes carefully examined the arrow for any cracks. Isabella had many skills, but her bow and arrow skills were her weakest, and thus she trained with that whenever she could. Putting the arrow away, Isabella turned back to walk to where she had been, taking out a dagger, she shifted it from hand to hand, rocking back on her feet slightly, and studying the distance. Rolling her shoulders, she turned around, and giving a soft sigh, closing her eyes and letting herself relax. She was thinking this through too much, and not relying on...what she knew. Instinct. Turning back around, Isabella flicked the dagger towards the target, watching it soar. As it landed, quivering deeply into the wood, Izzy smiled, a small, slightly sad smile as she approached the target, retrieving the dagger with a slight pull, and turning around, she stopped as she saw someone there, and she frowned, tilting her head slightly, having not heard them approach. Sighing softly to herself, Izzy reached up to smooth back her hair, and ran her hands over her clothes, smoothing them. There were many things about Izzy, but one was that she was a...well, little lady. The young woman saluted the holy templar, btut did not speak, waiting for them to do so. [color=ed1c24]"Isabella, His Holiness Gregory Ascended Templar Markovic requested your presence in his office. We are here to escort you to him. Dress up and let's go."[/color] Isabella resisted sighing, merely nodding, she gathered her gear and retreated back to her room, where she choose her better clothes, that were nevertheless still portrayed towards males. Even in the presence of "His Holiness Gregory AScended Templar Markovic" there could still be danger, and she was not going to get caught in a dress. There was no way she waas going to show her undergarments to who knew how many people. She did find it a bit unnerving that the Templar stayed close, and she sighed wearily, smoothing her clothes as she left her weapons behind. She doubted she'd be allowed to have them anywhere close to "His Holiness Gregory AScended Templar Markovic". Just what had happened for this type of security? She sighed heavily, and let the templar lead her on.