[center][img]https://puu.sh/thNTd/cd01dfcd8a.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]Patients Quarters F1[/h3][/center] The journey to Ice’s room went off without a hitch as the quartet mingled about trivial subjects and it was nice to hear Daimyon agree to search for the sound of music. It felt like the gravity of the situation lowered every second Felix was around them. He thought that people like these would never harm others, even when under pressure. And that optimism coursed through his entire body, which was very obvious because he lowered his guard to the point of nonexistence. Of course he wanted to get out of here, but these people gave him hope that he would not only get out of here soon, but maybe even have some fun while escaping. Felix eyed Krista’s hands as she unlocked Ice’s room with his e-card, not out of suspicion but curiosity, nothing noteworthy really. It was surprising to see Rika opting to stay behind with Ice, probably to watch over him. It was a nice act so Felix simply nodded with a deep smile as he grabbed a sandwich from Rika and left the room with Krista and Daimyon. The dashing poet apparently gave his gift to Krista, and she stated that Daimyon and Felix should go on ahead, which he replied to with a thumbs-up. [center][h3]Resort F1[/h3][/center] Upon reaching the Resort, Felix looked at the Fountain once more. Last time they passed through here, they were showed the awful rules of this killing game that trapped the infinites here. The reminder lifted the left side of his mouth into dismay for the whole situation. Daimyon opened their search with a quick motivator and went off towards what looked like a library. Felix twirled around a few times, taking in all of the rooms to choose from. None caught his eye quite like the biggest, the theater. Most theaters play a musical, which means there was a good chance it stored instruments. So with determination, he stepped towards the room where the bear first showed itself. [center][h3]Theater F1[/h3][/center] The theater looked just like he left it, for the exception of the people in it, robots and bears included. Felix still had no clue why a hospital would need a theater. It’s nice and all, but kind off a waste of space when you’re taking care of the sick. Upon closer inspection, the walls and floor were made of concrete and unpainted. It made for a very ugly picture, and it was made worse by the fact that everything was falling apart. The only things still in good condition were the curtains hanging above the podium. With an acrobatic jump, Felix hopped onto it and grabbed the curtains with both hands, ready to pull them. They were heavier than expected; so it was a good thing that his muscles had not decayed very much from the accident and with a small groan the curtains moved to the side of the stage. What was left now was a large pianoforte. A bright spark appeared behind Felix’s eyes as he jumped towards the piano. The sight kind looked like one of those father-son reunions after being separated for very long. The only difference being that Felix played the piano a few days ago. You might think of this weird, as the piano is not even his main hobby. The thing with Felix is, he gets excited for everything he likes equally, and his laid back attitude always keeps him enjoying every part of life, no matter how small. It just happens that he is very good at free running [i]and[/i] enjoys it. As Felix stood in front of the piano, he drew a large breath and blew of all the dust that the marvel collected for who knows how long. Although it was rusty, the piano seemed to be in very good condition, and as Felix tested every key, not one false note came out. He never actually played a real piano before, keyboards where all he ever knew, so the sounds that came out of this one made Felix happy enough to forget any bad feelings still left in him. If he would ever feel down, he would know where to come. Luckily there was already a seat besides the piano, and Felix quickly made use of it before cracking his fingers in a last preparation before putting his fingers on the keys and starting to play a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsVAbS8xmaU]song.[/url] [@Spriggs27] [@Aewin] [@Mateotis]