Okay so more than an hour. More like 6 hours. Sorry TT_TT. It's up though finally and it doesn't get any more "officially started" than this. Now is a good time for roll call. So if your still with us, give me a quick "howdoyado" in the ooc. I'll be interacting with smaller groups within the main group to move everyone along at hopefully the same pace but different rates. Since we're officially passed the introduction phase, there should be something to post about.(hopfully) I set you all up with some things to interact with if not each other. I'm much more calm and collected than I was yesterday. Sorry for the outburst about replacing people. Heh. Still, we're actually doing this now so...don't be surprised if anyone who's inactive for too long without good reason ends up falling off a cliff, drowning, or crushed by random chunks of debris. That said, I'll be here all weekend. (accept for the next 2 hours where I go eat, shower, and take care of other house needs that haven't been met in the last 6 hours.) Have fun y'all.