[quote=@bluetommy2] My problem with Damian is that he's such an "EDGY ANTI-HERO" that it's just unbelievable that Bruce keeps him around. The first time he had an edgelord on his payroll he kicked his ass after he went off the deep end. The second time, Jason, as a son Bruce hadn't seen since his death, was still treated like dirt after he started murdering criminals, yes, the New 52 had him rejoin the bat-family, which was so out of character for Bruce that it completely turned me off the New 52. Why in god's green Earth does Damien get a pass? Yes, he's Batman's son, but so was Jason. Bruce is completely uncompromising, the one time he broke his no-kill pledge was against Darkseid, who was just about to blow up the world, other than that, he has never killed, and again, he treated Jason like dirt after [i]he[/i] killed someone. Yet Damian just walks up and is like "Kill 'em" and Bruce gives the old fifties sitcom "Oh Damian!" (Laugh track) [/quote] that isn't canon to the movies and I don't even think it is canon to the comics anymore. Again Damian is very unique compared to the other Robins and doesn't follow the generic comic book cliche and most of the arguments against him have been countered. I don't see the point in the Damian hate especially given how huge the comic book universes are and how much they can change.