"[i]You found Wonderland?!"[/i] "Shh! You'll wake up Mom!" Ghent put a hand over Henry's mouth until the redhead made a muffled promise to lower his voice. That was the one good thing about telling Henry. The younger of the two didn't even question Ghent's sanity -- he believed him. Able to speak once more, Henry eyed the pack near the door. "So [i]that's[/i] why you packed your clothes..." Ghent raised an eyebrow. "Did you look through my backpack?" Henry glanced down to his exposed feet, guilty as charged. "I only peeked..." "Seriously?" Ghent didn't remember Henry being this nosy. "Should we start calling you Mrs. Saxon or what?" "Sorry." Henry's thoughts were back to Wonderland. After all these years, his cousin's stories were true. Not an ounce of evidence had been presented to him, but he trusted Ghent wholeheartedly. Henry looked up to him as a little brother would, and his wild imagination was often fueled by Ghent's former claims of Wonderland. "How did you find it, Ghent? Did you chase the white rabbit? Did he have a pocket watch?" Ghent scoffed. "I would've preferred that, actually," he mumbled, his thoughts falling back to the two from Wonderland. "No, there wasn't a rabbit, but I met the two I used to have dreams about." Henry remembered both. "The man and the little girl with blonde hair?" "Yeah. She's not so little anymore, though. She's close to my age." Ghent turned so he was on his back again. Telling Henry was a big relief; at least this way someone would know of his whereabouts. "And before you ask, no. She isn't Alice." Henry clamped his mouth shut. That had been his next question. "So...who is she, then? Is she your family?" Ghent shook his head. "I'm not related to either of them. Drust is a knight, Elayra is a princess." Before Henry could bombard him with more questions, Ghent attempted to elaborate. "It's a long story. When we were little, Drust was helping us escape Wonderland. I ended up here, and Elayra should have too...but she didn't." Saying this aloud made Ghent wonder if part of Elayra's bitterness towards him was actually resentment. If this was the case, he couldn't blame her. It was rather sad -- and odd -- to think that his mother may have adopted two children on that fated day. "Why did you have to escape? Was it the Queen of Hearts?" Henry was basing his questions off of the Disney movie, but he was coming pretty close to the truth. "Something like that." Ghent played it off as if this was no longer something to concern themselves with. "They asked for my help to fix up Wonderland a bit...you know, restore it to its former glory." For the sake of his cousin, he downplayed the seriousness of the trip. "I agreed to go. Guess I owe them that much." "Wow..." The explanation good enough for Henry. This was a lot to think about. "I hope you can find them, Ghent." "Who?" "Your family." "Oh, yeah...me too." "You'll come back though, won't you?" At the thought of losing his cousin, Henry's excitement tampered down. "We're your family too." [i]Ouch.[/i] "Of course I will." Ghent wasn't sure who he needed to convince more: himself or Henry. "I'll never forget that." Henry seemed doubtful. "Promise?" Ghent nodded. "Promise." Henry bit his bottom lip, brows furrowed. "Pinkie swear?" Ghent reached to turn off the lamp. "Come on, Henry. Only kids pinkie swear." Henry looked so sorrowful that Ghent sighed in defeat and held out his hand. "[i]Fine.[/i]" After they pinkie swore on it, Ghent shut off the light. For a while, all was quiet, though it didn't matter. Both boys were wide awake, all thoughts on Wonderland. "I wish I could go." Henry broke the silence with a wistful sigh at the idea of venturing to such a magical place. "How long will it take you to fix Wonderland?" "They didn't say." Ghent had wondered this earlier; he knew they couldn't have had a solid answer for that, so he hadn't bothered to ask. "Hopefully not too long." "I hope not...we were going to have so much fun this summer, Ghent. Aunt Elise promised to take us to the petting zoo and..." "[i]The petting zoo?[/i]" Ghent interrupted him, his expression of disgust hidden by the darkness. "You live on a farm. Why the heck would you want to pet a bunch of smelly animals when you already have some?" Henry shrugged as best he could while lying down. "It's different when they belong to someone else. You don't have to take care of them, you just have to pet them. It's fun." Ghent turned on his side, an attempt to get comfortable. "Well, I'll try to make it back in time. If not, go without me." [i]Please.[/i] "While I'm gone...I'd appreciate it if you kept an eye out for Mom. You know how she worries. Dad, too. Just promise them I'll be fine, okay?" This was a lot to burden his cousin with. Unfortunately, Ghent saw no alternative. "Can you do that for me?" Henry gave a solid nod. "You don't have to worry, Ghent. I'll take care of them." [i]Good old Henry. [/i]"I really appreciate it. While I'm gone, the room's yours. I've got about $170 leftover from rescuing William. Buy yourself some new Lego's so you can finish that spaceship of yours." Ghent felt oddly charitable, especially because the money was of no use to him in Wonderland. "[i]Really?[/i]" Henry couldn't believe the amount of loot he'd received. "Gee...thanks!" Ghent wondered if Henry accepted gifts in any other way. This was the third 'gee thanks' he'd received that day. "Don't mention it. Now, get some sleep. I gotta be up by dawn." Henry closed his eyes. "What time does dawn start?" Ghent glanced at the clock, taken aback by the time. [i]2:30.[/i] "Um...good question."