[quote=@bluetommy2] [@Weird Tales] Yes, you countered the arguments, people countered back. Yes, comic universes change, yes, Damian will probably be very different in five or so years, but that doesn't change the fact that right now he is among the most divisive characters in the canon. Also, you "don't get" the Damian hate? Let me explain, some people have a dislike of certain character types, and no matter how much you argue against it, they're still going to dislike them. No matter how much you argue, you're ultimately powerless to change people's opinions. You shouldn't take personal offense to someone not liking a character you like, it's all opinions at the end of the day, and we all know the saying about them and a certain part of the human waste disposal system. Now, can we stop this stupid argument and get back to RPing please? [/quote] I was just offering a defense since people piled on the hate. If we want to stop discussing this matter then people shouldn't offer their opinions on it otherwise it would just continue the discussion.