Ssarak Dyreackthanose [hr] This was an interesting development. Ssarak was by no means an expert on vampires, but he had a basic education from the College. He had never heard of a natural vampiric child, and it was no small matter if one was suddenly born. Even if nothing else happened during their mission, that would certainly be a piece of information of interest to Lucilia. Ssarak felt little in the way of anxiety when approaching the Baron. He did not come from a place where the leadership were considered unapproachable to the average person, so he could speak with the confidence befitting a diplomat. [color=f7941d]”It is a pleasure to be here.””[/color] Ssarak responded, returning the Baron’s polite and pleasant greeting. [color=f7941d]”College life has been personally treating me quite well. In times such as these, it is hard for anyone to truly say that all is well, but the College continues to be a place of learning and strength. I can tell you, it is like another world entirely compared to the Scorched Lands, but I would not consider leaving it. Apart from assignments, of course. Lucilia is the one who requested that we attend. I am sure she would have liked to have visited herself, but she has many duties to keep her busy.”[/color] Ssarak explained.