[center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle[/h3][/center] The lush green jungle of Tabernacle, tucked away in a hidden corner of the world was filled with exotic animals, both in equal measures dangerous and intriguing. It's undisturbed state leads one to believe no man has ever set foot here, but should they explore further in, small ruins scattered about the jungle can be found, architecture dating back centuries, and some even beyond that. As a man in a suit walked along the cliff's edge, overlooking the lake, he heard a shrill cry, before draconic tendrils erupted from the lake. The cliff was completely destroyed and he was nowhere to be seen. It seemed as if he was crushed immediately, however before the tendrils now identified as dragon heads could retracted, he could be spotted landing and running along the neck. More heads flew out from the water as the whole body erupted from the lake. A stunning display of acrobatic and nimbleness as he darted and jumped between the dragon heads, slashing with each spin before jumping high above, forming a distinct katana, and diving down. The dragon heads attempted to intercept, only to be cut down each time, before landing on it's main body and slashing horizontally, ridding it of all of it's heads at once. The demon cried in agony as his attack seemed to work, before twirling the blade around to plunge it into it's chest. The blade's sharpness was without equal, or doubt, this was the Yamato, and this man was Sevrin. [color=92278f]"I suppose you being here means an Umbran Witch is too... I may have to be a bit more careful around here, but a Hydra shouldn't be too much trouble"[/color], he commented. At that moment, all the heads grew back, causing him to leap away backwards, but smiled as all the heads came at him. He raised the sheathed Yamato in front of him. As the heads struck his blocking stance, a flash of light as well as a magic circle was the response they were given, and on the very last strike, Sevrin completely disappeared in a flash of purple light. The multi-headed demon was confused, but soon it found itself slowing, and then soon, silver lines formed all over it's body as it fell apart in neat slices. Standing behind it was Sevrin, sheathing the Yamato. [color=92278f]"My does that former general of Mundus make impressive weapons... As difficult to wield as they are powerful, there is so much focus required for this one"[/color], he muttered to himself. He longed to rid himself of needing this katana to fulfill his goals, the amount of discipline and focus required in it's forms frustrated him, moreover it's properties, he could not fully bring out. What he managed to do was but a fraction of it's power as he can sense. [color=92278f]"Hm?"[/color], he sensed the Hydra's presence, however not in physical form. He raised his free hand, the pieces of the Hydra that were cleanly cut began to turn into an aura, flying into Sevrin. Within moments, they began to form around his legs, and soon after a golden flash of light, gold-red leg armor adorned with blades were revealed. [color=92278f]"Now this is more like it"[/color], he said to himself. He dismissed the Yamato, then began to give the new pair of greaves a test run, each kick was like a blade, and considering the Hydra, he could easily double down on the speed of the assault at the drop of a hat, a fast weapon with some power to it. [color=92278f]"Hmmm, not bad... Well, I doubt that seal's going to destroy itself, besides, I'd rather be there before the angels"[/color], and with that he dismissed his new Devil Arm too, and headed off towards his destination. [hr] [@Lugubrious][@kapuchu][@Lazo][@floodtalon] The Charred Council's agents were scattered for this mission, because of how many factions were converging into the area. Very few of them knew of the Charred Council or some of their allegiances to it, so it suited them to make use of any resources they could. In this case however, Fenn and Lily would find themselves paired up again. They had two options, try and pick up the trail on Sevrin, as they had gotten news that this area was found because he was spotted near here, or they try and find the Seal before him, and protect it. Likely the Angels were doing the latter, while the demons were more interested in destroying the seal to further their lord Mundus' goal. It was entirely up to them what to do. The layout of this jungle gave no clear path way, but perhaps the density of these ruins could be of use. On observation one can figure out the ruins they were seeing on the outskirts were that of houses. Perhaps this used to be a great city of sorts? The directives for Henry were the same too, his only allegiance thus far has been to the Charred Council and so he does their bidding. Find the Seal, and protect it, prevent apocalypse. His job was clear and straightforward, if only the way through the jungle to it was just as. [@Kafka Komedy][@ProPro] Akoni was tasked by the DHO to track down Sevrin and bring him back to answer for what he has done, is the official statement. He feels many are aware that he is no longer in control of his body, and it was not Sevrin they should be focusing on, but the demon taking root within him. Regardless that was the task, Akoni was given some information on Sevrin's movements, and has been following that to reach this area, however as soon as the paths were gone, the tracks went cold. It was like this jungle was a natural shield against any kind of navigation, almost as if it was protecting something. This made a lot of sense, considering the Charred Council has also informed him of the existence of the next seal here. Not far behind was Mary who was given the same information, however her directives were a bit different. Nero knows what the Yamato is being used for, and so the directives are to at least take it off of Sevrin, if they can manage that at least, then they can prevent him from doing what he's set out to do. Otherwise, everything else was the same. A few minutes walk from where they were now behind them was a small base camp set up by the Order of the Sword, and Nero has stated he's going to enter the battlefield later, as an 'old friend' seems to have contacted him. Mary had some idea who that may be, but if it was who she was thinking it was, it might be important. Regardless, it was their job to hold the fort until such a time has come. [@Zarkun] The forces of Heaven were deployed in full force from the other side of the jungle, and Wrath has been deployed there, the Archangel Kushiel is taking up command for this operation too, but is acting more as command than combatant, and so is counting on Wrath to be his ace on the battlefield. Though the other angels may not be aware of it, Kushiel is, Wrath is also an agent of the Charred Council. This may benefit them, but he feels the allegiance must be put into question when the time comes, as the interests of heaven and the charred council may come to odds, but for now it has not. Wrath's directives were clear, to move in and protect the seal from Sevrin, or whatever demon he truly is. The angels have found an undercroft of sorts created by the low and thick canopies of this side of the jungle, but a minute into it, the angels observe ruins... Perhaps these ruins were part of what they were looking for? This area was huge and there was truly no way of knowing, but the likelihood seemed high here. Alternatively he can take the over path, but the angels are covering that already, plus in not long there was announcement of demonic forces engaging them in combat. It may be messier to go above, but it would ensure he has allies to cover more area, but underground he may be able to find the objective sooner. In the Angel base camp was also Fiametta, whom can be deployed as heaven pleases, but for now she defends the base camp, unless Wrath or Kushiel should choose to ask her to move out. [@I-Am-X] Blair having left the small camp made by the morphs on the outskirts of the jungle now observes a hidden battlefield. It was not visible, but her senses were going crazy, there was battle everywhere, as soon as it seemed as if her senses had been deceived, she beheld an angelic soldier emerge from the canopies, only to be grabbed and dragged down by a demon. She was informed of this, but it was surreal that an entire battlefield was hidden beneath all this jungle. Standing beside her was Gorgon and Madamma Enepsigos, only one or the other can accompany her into the thick of it, but another must remain on this point to observe the battlefield, and be prepared to back them up should things go badly. It was up to Blair who she would choose to accompany her, but the objective was clear. For the glory of Hell, find the Third Seal, and destroy it. As for Sevrin, despite their aims being the same, there was an unshakeable feeling that he should not be left alone.