[@BCTheEntity] I do have other options, which arise further questions. Firstly, if vampires are basically animated corpses that are not really alive in biological sense, their "life" processes work in a different way. If possible, i would like to learn about how exactly vampiric "metabolism" works, since it is clearly stated that they do need blood for prolonged existence. What exactly in their acvitiy expends blood? How is it physically stored in their bodies? Do vampires actually have circulation in their bodies or do they run on some sort of mystical energy derived from the blood they consume as a ritualistic depiction of stealing someone's life force? For example - i know how nonsensical that sounds, but still - if a vampire had his organs and major bones surgically removed and had his "shell" filled with blood that they require to exist, would that vampire be capable of living, acting, comfortably moving and employing his mystical powers? Do vampire bodies actually care about their physical integrity or really anything other than having a head, heart and blood within them?