[@Rune_Alchemist] While multiplied with a Double Team, the Gust still managed to find its way to the right Ralia, the wind whipping up blowing around her and dealing damage while maybe being a bit disorienting. Regardless, Ralia could handle the low-level attack with relative ease and then aim a Confusion back at the bug. [color=f2bd49]‘Co…!’[/color] The flying bug recoiled as it was it in the air, spinning a bit out of control but trying to get it back. Meanwhile, Delphox had attracted the attention of several Beedrills as well as Vespiquen and her followers. Delphox was handling herself pretty well, spewing out a fire which she then controlled by psychic power to fly back and forth in-between the incoming attackers, roasting and fainting them one after another. Though, in the distance, three Vespiquens aligned to glare at her, and then… they all shot out small, glowing orbs with an eerie light about them, which spun wildly in the air on their way towards Delphox. Confuse Ray. [color=e3875f]‘… Phox.’[/color] Delphox let out what pretty much amounted to a curse and jumped out of the way with vulpine speed, momentarily using all four of her limbs to show she could still be fast as a fox to get out of the way of the shining slightly homing balls of confusion. She threw fire behind her, sending flames searing at the balls and pursuing Beedrills and Combees, while also trying to cover for Claire in her battle there. [color=f2bd49]‘Com… bee…!’[/color] The Combee, having taken the Confusion, was pretty damaged now. Probably couldn’t handle much more. But, regardless, she was intending on summoning her powers for another Gust, and…! [color=f2bd49]‘Combee?’[/color] … That last Confusion succeeding in inflicting Confusion on Combee. Half her wings suddenly failed in the midst of trying to summon a Gust. She’s about to drift into a tree and hurt herself, something she might not be able to handle without fainting. Claire and Ralia may act as they might please. __________________________ [@Pikmin Eye] [color=02b1d4]‘It is my duty as King to adapt to any fighting style to defend my kingdom!’[/color] Lewis boosted, head held high as he got in those Vine Whips with his Tangela. Finally, Nincada woke up. From this ordeal, he had taken roughly half the damage he could withstand, but as Nincada rose to a waking state and issued another Harden the amount of punishment he could take increased yet again. [color=02b1d4]‘Harden all you like! Just fortifying your armor won’t recover the health you lost! As it stands, I’m confident my rooted Tangela will outlast you! Tangela! Vine Whip! Vine Whip! VINE WHIP!’[/color] Lewis shouted out, his strategy now simply an all-out assault hoping to make Nincada faint as soon as possible. [color=6ba0bf]‘Taaaaaa-!’[/color] The Pokémon acknowledged, lashing out with long blue vines used as whips at Nincada, fairly fast and another was quickly appearing after the last intending to strike again against Nincada’s armor in order for it to eventually crack. As Lewis strategy was now but mindlessly striking with Vine Whip until results presented themselves and trusting Ingrain to keep Tangela alive, Martin could potentially now line up his strategy to a more predictable yet perhaps threatening opponent rather than just the next move. __________________________ [@Joshua Tamashii] - [i]Night[/i] [color=6bbbbf]‘Hm? Ghost-types?’[/color] A random trainer that happened to walk in her way reacted upon being asked. He poked his lips a bit, thinking about it. [color=6bbbbf]‘Well, this place is really more known for lots upon lots of bugs. But, if anyone knows if there’s anything else, it would be Laurinda. She knows these woods like the back of her hand. I think she’s somewhere inside the woods right now, or maybe she went home for the night? You’d know her if you saw her, she wears this white robe with golden drape of some kind in the front and has really long black hair, typically seen with a Delphox. I think she has at least one ghost-type, maybe she caught it in the woods? As for generally, I’m not entirely sure if there are any Ghost-types in there, but there could be!’[/color] He shrugged before continuing on his way unless Amelia had more questions for him. Then Amelia was on the way, heading into the woods. Moving away from the outside areas of the woods, the vegetation grew tighter, the lights from the Volbeats disappeared. Soon enough, it was dark, only the light from Litwick’s flame to guide the way. There was always the spirits of minor bugs around to burn. So they moved, and crossed the border into… [hider=True Infested Woods][center][h2]True Infested Woods[/h2] [url=https://i.imgur.com/bEcHqK6.jpg][img]https://i.imgur.com/MT6pPtF.png[/img][/url][/center][/hider] In the night, the True Infested Woods were even darker. Small sounds could constantly be heard all around. A sound of something hitting something else in the distance, leaves constantly rustling here and there, predatorial eyes seemingly gazing from everywhere. It was a lot more conventionally scary than a conventional fright of ghosts might be, though perhaps only to a specific kind of people. Amelia could but press on, but so far her senses were handing her a complete blank… No, wait. There was something. Way off in the distance, she was picking something up. There was some kind of Ghost-type way off, deeper in the woods- Shuppet’s malice-sensor and Litwick’s soul-sensing light both picked it up simultaneously, which perhaps their trainer missed. There were numerous bugs moving in to surround them in front, spiders climbing closer on trees and leaves, intending on attacking the intruder. If Amelia kept walking, she’d be walking straight into a Spinarak ambush. It was clear these weren’t the friendliest of woods to young girls or intruders. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/75/167Spinarak.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/ANuSvCA.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #167 – Spinarak, the String Spit Pokémon. It weaves traps of web in fine but durable silk, and then waits for days upon end for prey to be captured. Its webs are connected to its nerves, letting it know exactly what has been caught. Its web is used for fishing lines.[/i][/color][/center] Assumingly, the Pokémon would warn their trainer. Amelia would then be free to react as she desires. __________________________ [@Eklispe] The guy frowned as the Mud-Slap came flying, and with a quick movement he grabbed his Growlithe and spun around, holding his Growlithe in his arms so he could take the Mud-Slap himself with his back, staining his suit but otherwise keeping his Pokémon safe from harm. Meanwhile, Wooper moved back to Water Gun at the girl, who desperately shielded her face but turned out she didn’t need it as Ducklett swooped in to her rescue by placing itself in the way of the Water Gun. This defensive combo, however, meant that the two of them were giving Dawkin an opportunity to make a run for it. Indeed, after he retrieved Wooper and his Aron and the two Embers ineffectively hit the cavern floor and wall, he was free to dash for all he could, the Numel staring dimly in the direction where the Aron was no longer standing as he dashed past. [color=b35647]‘Growlithe!’[/color] [color=6aa697]‘Ducklett!’[/color] There was a sound as the two Pokémon trainers once again sent their Pokémon ahead, Ducklett doing its best to fly forward after him while Growlithe more effectively jumped from his trainer onto the solid ground. Meanwhile, Dawkin was heading forwards, and… Another split. Three directions, once again. If he wanted to continue dashing, he had to make a choice. To the right, there was a slightly descending tunnel that opened in a larger area. Already from here, he could see the movement of several what appeared to be families of some seemingly rock-based wild Pokémon that he couldn’t identify from this distance, and Zubats overhead of them. The tunnel went deeper, he could not see where. In front of him, was a thinly wet tunnel which water only reached a few centimeters of height, but it went on for quite some time and then ended up in a rapid descent, past which could not be seen from here. There were a few Surskits skidding on the surface of the water. To the left was a slightly descending rocky tunnel that appeared to be ending in a pool of water that went further out of Dawkin’s sight. However, also in that direction, there seemed to be some kind of light coming from somewhere in there. It was up to him to decide which direction to go. __________________________ [@Pyromaniacwolf] Lucian’s assumption may have been perfectly correct. Houndour easily jumped aside of the rolling bug, no matter how effective he might have been had he hit, and then aimed in a well-placed Ember. [color=bd4a63]‘IPEEEDE…!’[/color] The blast impacted the Venipede and with a cry of pain the Pokémon flew off a bit to the woods, startling the others. The super-effective move already put Venipede in a dangerous position, relatively close to fainting. He wouldn’t be able to handle another Ember. [color=bd4a63]‘Veni…!’[/color] However, determined to inflict some kind of pain on his opponent, the Venipede jumped up into a ball again and rolled at Houndour, burn marks already all over him. His companions were giving small cries to edge him on and also looked like they were barely restraining themselves from rolling forth into the fight themselves.