[color=ed1c24] [h2] [center] Lucian Vazquez [/center] [/h2][/color] Lucian sighed at the heavy damage the bug had taken from the single hit. [color=ed1c24]"I cannot help but find myself..disappointed"[/color] Lucian took one of his pokeballs from his pocket [color=ed1c24]"No matter, we will help fix your flimsy defenses in time. Houndour dodge again."[/color] Lucian ordered, houndour attempted to leap out of the way before Lucian threw the pokeball at the weakened Venipide. [color=ed1c24]"Remember you three, we had a deal. Attack me and houndour will burn you three as well, only there will be no healing for you."[/color] He reminded the other bugs who seemed anxious as he sat and waited to see if his second companion would resist the pokeball.