Virgil wasn't exactly certain what the Junior-Commissar was yelling about, having gathered his information from his ex-PDF father and a number of other sources, and had assumed that it would be good to know ones enemy...but apparently voicing poignant information such as details of their xenos belief system was tantamount to some sort of heresy. It made no sense to the off-worlder, about as much sense as their speech patterns if the truth was told, so the freshly conscripted soldier decided to keep his mouth shut for the moment. Instead of engaging his superior officer in a dialogue, he simply took of his hat and laid it across his knee, going back to polishing his rifle and making sure it was in the best order it could be. He had not forgotten about the short (well, short for Texanis folk) woman that had spoken to him before the Commissars tirade, but he decided to act as if he had anyway.