[@Keksalot] That sounds very much like a guy intent on committing war crimes which, I am almost positive, would warrant a breach of Covenant Law, if not before then almost certainly in the modern era. I love it. Just keep in mind that metal, glass and cloth does not prevent sun death for vampires, [s]said Covenant breaches would almost certainly make him an enemy of basically everybody else[/s] I may have misread "can kill anybody not under the Law's protection" as "can kill literally anybody without himself breaking the Law", my mistake... and that having more strength does not mean you are impossible to hinder, only that said hindrances need to be greater in order to stack beyond a weaker person's hindrance capacity. In other words, loads and loads of armour will probably make him comparatively slower and less able to strike than an unrestrained vampire. Just so you know. Also, how old are you thinking? Vampires did not exist before 1444 A.D., meaning the absolute maximum time somebody could have been a vampire as of 2010 is 566 years (not including years lived as a human before Vlad III's mass sacrifice), and most vampires created around that time have long since died. Considering that vampires become stronger as they age, with no officially-stated limit, I'm going to say the maximum age for any vampire is 250-300 years.