[center][h2]Charlotte Carver[/h2] -[u]Central City[/u]-[/center] [hr] "The seven, huh?" Charlotte asked. "Alright. Thanks. Hey, might I ask, what's bringing you to the old fishery, huh?" Charlotte deduced that a brush with a wild fire Pokémon of some sort accounted for Jason's grunge, though she did not want to pry. "I myself am studying the ecosystems in a habitat that's not too affected by urbanization," Charlotte added. "Evidently the bus I gotta get on leaves in about an hour. Maybe we'll run into each other again, I dunno. Just in case though, I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Carver. I'm with the Aether." She politely tipped her bowler hat. Some might brush her off if she said that, but helping restore the Foundation's reputation in other regions had to start somewhere, right? [hr] CP+1; total: 12 [hider=Notes]-TP: post +1; total: 6 [hider=Inventory] -N/A[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] -Charjabug Lv. 11 -Petilil Lv. 11 -Klang Lv. 11 -Golett Lv. 10 -Wimpod Lv. 10 -Crabrawler Lv. 10 [/hider] Interaction with [@LuckyBlackCat]’s Jason[/hider]