"Won't be the last one, I'm sure," she said, referring to the scarring. She'd chosen a [i]very[/i] dangerous line of work, one where a lack of scars went hand in hand with a lack of experience. Valerie was well in the process of acquiring both, she just hoped it didn't kill her in the meantime. Her fortitude was not above average for a warrior or a mercenary. She'd have to do what she could to improve that. But for the moment, they had an ordeal to survive. Valerie wasn't sure how she could really avoid moving, given that they were in a very hostile place. With any luck they could avoid more orcs. Of course, their luck had failed to hold already. "Do we need to move somewhere, or do you think it's safe enough to rest here?" She really didn't like the idea of getting to her feet and stumbling around in the relative dark, but she thought she was capable enough for it, at least. But she much preferred the idea of staying. Despite how bad their situation was, she actually felt quite nice about the present. Lingering pain in her side was being drowned out by the wave of weariness coming over her, and Markus was more than comfortable enough to rest on.