[color=pink]"I... I can try..."[/color] Began the little thing as Thomas ([@Burning Kitty]) ordered a larger wall of ice. Eir had already used so much power just fighting back the creatures, but if it could help she would definitely try harder. Before she could, however, Miral ([@SanaChan]) had taken the initiative to do it for her but rather with flames. Just for caution, Eir raised the ice crystals higher, blocking off any potential places that the undead beings could dodge around the pillars of fire. The little thing squeaked as the carriage was forced forward, she falling onto one knee from the sudden movement. [color=salmon]"Waah! Eir!"[/color] The stuffed rabbit, who had been terrified into being frozen scared, ran to his friend and hugged her. [color=salmon]"You're okay, right?!"[/color] [color=pink]"I-I'm fine..."[/color] They both turned their eyes to the towering behemoth of rotten flesh that charged towards them, but as soon as it appeared it was destroyed by the other members of the group. Eir looked out in awe. [i][color=pink]Maybe I'll be that powerful some day...[/color][/i] She gave a small yelp as a burned, late member ([@Scrivenshafts]) was thrown towards the carriage. Eir and Roger used their combined strength to grab him and pull him up. [color=salmon]"Eir, do you have enough strength left for a healing spell?"[/color] Eir hesitated, but gave a nod. She held her hands out in front of her, kneeled beside Spade. A coldness radiated down over the body, numbing and chilled as slowly the pain ebbed away, and as she retracted her hands the burns and scrapes were all gone. [color=salmon]"Eir!"[/color] The girl slumped over on her side, laid on the floor of the carriage. Cuts appeared from nowhere on her skin, leaking dribbles of blood. [color=salmon]"I told you not to overdo it! If you didn't have the strength, you should've said so..."[/color] muttered Roger, he taking her head into his tiny lap and petting her head as she slept. [color=salmon]"You'll be fine... just rest up..."[/color]