Kai figured there might be a vehicle somewhere in the city, it would be pretty bad to go out and try to find one. If you were a soldier and you needed to get into the city quickly, you wouldn’t fly in without some armour like a vehicle. High class soldiers were normally durable enough to withstand an explosion or fast enough to escape one so there was no problem regarding whether they were just going to get blown out of the sky; although, when it came down to it he sure did hope that he wasn’t only going to come across vehicles that had met that kind of fate. It was a dire state of emergency he was in and absolutely had to find a vehicle that was still functioning. There was a lot of vehicles around, but a lot of them were either partially destroyed or too small for what they needed it for. There had to be some sort of military vehicle still out there that he could take, at least one that was big enough and still functioning. Just when he thought he was out of luck and ultimately going to fail he soon spotted a small military carrier sticking out of some rubble that didn’t look completely destroyed. It appeared to had been abandoned because it got stuck and they didn’t want to spend too much time trying to get it out, or at least that’s what he hoped. Flying down quickly he started clearing the rubble by blasting it apart, not much caring for his Ki levels at this point as he tried to clear the front. Blasting away much of the large pieces of rubble he quickly jump into the still open hatch at the back, rushing to the front before jumping into the driver’s seat. Kai had never actually driven anything before. He had always either been a passenger or travelling in a pod which was always on autopilot. He knew how the buttons worked, he had watched it before, but now he had to figure out how to get it started. Looking around desperately for what might bring it to life he found what was a pretty basic key sticking in the ignition. Almost thinking that they would have something more like a button to get things going he turned the keys, holding them in place before gasping as the vehicle came to life. Well that was lucky, even though it was slow to start it still functioned fine. Feeling a little nervous he looked around at the controls before settling to try and turn it out of the dusty rubble, managing to get it moving slightly before it started to turn while rising into the air. Well that was done, now he had to get out of there without crashing the vehicle and take it back to the others. Viral in the meantime was feeling really rough with things not getting better the longer he was here for. He didn’t know how much longer he could stay awake for as his lack of non-blurry vision was making it hard to see anything that might indicate that he was still conscious. Hearing Leto speak of him just made him angry too, as if he was needing to survive just because he wouldn’t be called a ‘true man’ otherwise. Such words were certainly one way to make him angry, but it wasn’t as if he had the energy or ability to tell him otherwise. Feeling that it was growing difficult to keep active with every passing second he was soon alerted to the sounds of someone else talking nearby, only thing he didn’t know who it was but assumed it was some sort of doctor. He wondered what the man could even do to help him, it’s not like he could be dealt with here immediately in the dust and from the sounds of it he had no vehicle. Slowly raising his head he grit his teeth through the struggle, trying to look to see who the man was through the blur that was probably blood in his eyes. He didn’t know much other that they needed a vehicle to receive any treatment, but who knew when that would be found since one of the twins went off to find one. Luckily enough, it wasn’t long until the sound of an energised vehicle could be heard with a rather nervous Kai trying to drive it. Kai was barely old enough to drive legally, nevermind doing something like this. Trying to land it he had to try and force it to stop first, swinging around in a circle before landing it properly with the engine still running. That was a fair chore and scary too, especially when he didn’t know if he would ever be able to land it properly. He had left the hatch open, but it didn’t seem like he had the chance to consider trying to close it anyway considering how long it felt he took trying to get the vehicle. Either way, Leto was definitely the only one qualified enough to drive it when he wasn’t even 18 yet and had never had the responsibility to drive a military standard vehicle with people inside, one who was in a critical condition especially.