[@Shoryu Magami] Ah. So not terribly large, then. (Says the gal that has a music folder that is 33 fucking gigs) Obviously. There are, in fact, good and bad people everywhere; The sad part is that the majority is always bad. Never can the opposite be true anywhere, and that's a huge pain in my ass. Thankfully we have enough decent folks to keep some roleplays functional on the site, otherwise it'd be even more of a graveyard than it is currently. I sadly can't suggest anywhere to store all of it; All I can say is to try and figure out a way to get all your stuff off that PC and onto an external quick, before anything happens. Your roleplay is interesting; You've probably spotted me looking in there over the last month or so on occasion; And I honestly did consider joining. But, I dislike joining group roleplays when I'm uncertain I can keep up; And the idea of slowing down you guy's progress any and damaging the RP is completely repulsive. So in the end I simply decided to stay out of it for the sake of not disappointing the general playerbase there. As for your offer, I'll keep that in mind. I might be a bit slow, but I can manage my roleplays well; And while i dislike occasionally having to do so, I will put my foot down when I get ticked. I'll make sure to throw a link your way once the Interest Check is done; But until then, I'm keeping it to myself.