[color=FireBrick][center][h2]Journey through the Lush Dark[/h2][/center][/color] Opting to take the lower path as to allow someone from Heaven's forces to move unhindered by Demons for at least a little while, Wrath walked the path with Death's Rain in hand. Sevrin and the seal were both here, one seal was already destroyed in Barlour, and one secured by the Council from the Undersky. The events and discovery of the existence of the Undersky still troubled the Nephilim greatly and he began to wonder if the Council was as all powerful as they had been construed to be. [color=FireBrick][i]Thoughts for another time. For now, I need to focus.[/i][/color] The jungle path wasn't exactly glaringly bright like the forest path had been when he had been hunting Gorgon, but that was fine, because for once he could be the one to do the ambushing if he was attentive. The sounds of battle also seemed to be muted from here, as if the jungle around them didn't want anyone outside it to know what was happening. It set Wrath on edge and so he remained alert as he walked.