[center][h2]Taka[/h2][/center] "Kay kay...ugh, you gave me the fun job again. And there goes the others...yay, I get to hang by myself. At least all the other troops are running away, hell I don't even need to hide when I go take my shot. I'll be right back." Taka starts walking off, taking his dear sweet time to find a nice shooting position on the ridge they were at. After all, he had no doubt that no one would come attack him from the rear. Taking aim at the Gleivnar Warrior who seemed to be busy dealing with the other side forces there, his first arrow was aimed at the man's hands. The second shot was aimed for his legs so that he can prevent him from fleeing, while his last shot which he put the least effort in was to take care of one of the men Eclisse was facing. He was laughing as he got the easy first two shots at the main warrior, despite the fact he wasn't [b]trying[/b] to kill him...he was still getting a chance to take on another big target without too much difficulty. Nothing could go wrong so far...nothing. "Hehe, bulls-eye!" (crit quote if the first two shots hit) Perfect conditions to shoot, no trouble from all directions...Taka could get used to this. That and he didn't even have to plan an escape route this time, maybe the group's luck finally changed! [@Darkmoon Angel]