Toony didn't find herself to be too surprised at Fiddlestick's lack of insight. Nanobot fabrication robots were extremely rare or outright illegal to make in most systems due to the inherent dangers of an out of control nanobot swarm, let alone one with an AI advanced and seasoned enough to pass off as a person. Innuendos also seemed to go over his head, unless he was being cheeky back, though Toony didn't think he was. When being asked about dating advice though, Toony decided to be honest with Fiddlesticks, instead of teasing him with her advice. [color=6ecff6]"Honestly? I'm not a great robot to ask for dating advice. If its for a one night stand thats not hard to do for me since most guys or gals jump at the chance. If its a guy trying to one night a girl, they're SOL if the girl isn't into it unless they do something fantastic."[/color] Toony said, drumming along in an almost monotone nonchelaunt matter-of-fact voice instead of being animated. [color=6ecff6]"For a real realtionship? I've never had one. But I'd think anything would go as long as both parties were honest. If both parties want an actual relationship anyway it'll work out fine even if its a disaster. If only one does and the other doesn't, its not going anywhere anytime soon I'd think."[/color] Glancing away from Fiddlesticks for a moment, she continued, sitting down. [color=6ecff6]"But yeah, I'm not the best person to ask for that. I'm a 'go with the flow' sorta gal."[/color] Toony finished, waving her arms in a jointless wave, the rest of her body following suit.