[@Sir Lurksalot] Still have a little to add. I did take a small jab at the X-men franchise if that's okay. [hider=cs][center][color=0076a3]Name[/color]: Cyrus Sage [color=0076a3]Alias:[/color] The Lightbringer [color=0076a3]Age:[/color] 24 [color=0076a3]Gender:[/color] Male [color=0076a3]Nationality/Place of Birth:[/color] American, Cleveland Ohio [color=0076a3]Base of Operations:[/color] Cyrus once operated out of an abandoned steel mill, though the conditions of which left a lot to be desired. Old computers and wires hanging from the tall ceilings meant that his base has left a lot to be desired. While he still operates out of this location, he finds himself spending less and less time there as his school works and football takes hold of much of his free time. [color=0076a3]Occupation:[/color] College football receiver [color=0076a3]Appearance:[/color] Cyrus stands tall at a height of six foot three inches tall. His hair is kept cut to a manageable level and is a dark brown color that is just long enough for him to style up and to his left. He has a rather large and thick beard for his age, causing a vast majority of people to think he may be older than he says. He has bright sapphire blue eyes. On a usual day, Cyrus likes to keep his clothing simple and to the point; often wearing a simple blue jeans and gold school hoodie combination. [color=0076a3]Personality:[/color] Cyrus is a chipper young adult who worries too much. Liking bad puns and the resulting groans and sighs that follow a successful punch line, Cyrus often finds himself at his co-worker's wit's end as he unleashes a cascade of terrible jokes meant to lighten the situation. Highly intelligent, Cyrus often knows the answers to too many of the problems life throws his way. Dedicated, he will often risk his own rear end to make sure his task is completed. Overconfident, he often underestimates the difficulty of a task and often he is forced to lay in the bed he makes after an unsuccessful mission or a poor attempt at a sale at his job. Friendly, Cyrus looks to bring the inner light found in all people out to the surface. [color=0076a3]Skills:[/color] [color=0076a3]Abilities:[/color] The ability to bend and control light. Cyrus has the unique ability to control the way light interacts in everyday circumstances; from pulling light from a source to use in a blinding strike to storing light in bottles to later use as flash bangs, Cyrus has full control over light. While it may not prove to be the most powerful ability in a fight, he more than makes up for it acting in a supporting role, using his abilities to shroud his allies in darkness when threatened or blinding would be assailants with his awesome, but not awe inspiring, power. While his power was at times as great as any, it wasn't always the case. He has very little control behind the power. His limited training in controlling and without proper guidance in the use of his gift has left a lot of his understanding of his ability being relegated to an educated guess at best. It has also meant that he has very little stamina. Shrouding a small object is an easy feat for him, but hiding one average person at the tallest is not without its drain. Every second that he hides a small group he feels the taxing pull of energy, one that he can not keep up for long. Furthermore, he has to maintain a constant and conscious connection with any use of his abilities. The light itself will always try and force its way back to it's natural, uncontrollable state. While some of his abilities don't need as much of a connection, as is the case with his light grenades, but others require his thoughts to be 100% clear of any other. [color=0076a3]Bio:[/color] Born to a religious family, Cyrus was raised in the suburbs of the greater Cleveland area in a place called Shaker Heights. Through his young childhood Cyrus was by all accounts average; while he succeeds in sports and while he was generally smart enough to understand the concepts that were being taught to him, he struggled in school. After being held back for the first time, his parents decided to take him to a doctor to have his head checked. The doctor ran his tests, and much to the surprise of his parents, Cyrus tested positive for a specific genetic mutation that often resulted in the creation (or acquiring depending on who you ask) of awesome special powers. The doctor recommended he be sent to a special school for gifted youngsters like himself, and to Cyrus's shock, his parents could not agree more. The school was located somewhere in New York, and at first, Cyrus loved it. The teachers helped Cyrus find his power, train him how to control it, and above all else, he was surrounded by people just like him. He had to return home after three semesters, however, as it seemed that every other week the school itself came under attack from super villains, rouge government forces, and various other factions that actually liked the idea of attacking a school filled with young, and untrained, kids. While life back in the normal world would be rough at times, Cyrus began to flourish. His natural athletic abilities inherited from his father meant that he was successful in football as a receiver. In the later part of his high school years, he would actually attempt to become a superhero in his own right; operating out of an abandoned steel mill in downtown Cleveland, working with the local AV club to help those affected by the criminals and the scums of the earth. After high school, he received a full ride to a local university and he continued his football career there and is currently in his sophomore season as a member of the Kent State Golden Flashes. [color=0076a3]Other:[/color] (If you wanna add a theme-song or anything else, this'd be the place to toss it.)[/center][/hider]