"We're safe here," he told her. He felt certain of it somehow. There was nothing physical that could get through that door unless they knew Elvish magic, and if someone did, they would (hopefully) more than likely be a friend than a foe. Even if they weren't, he knew they wouldn't be able to outrun whatever came though. No, no they were safe for now. He could feel his eyes growing quite heavy. Coupled with the water and food, he felt close to losing himself in sleep. If he was being honest with himself, he also felt a bit of comfort that Valerie was so near as well. It helped, with his sword and a portion of his power now severed and gone. They drifted off, their bodies giving way to sleep as the hours rolled by. Their torch continued to roar just a few feet from them, providing a bit of warmth for the two mercenaries as they slept. Markus unfortunately had a nightmare or two he could not later recall, probably thanks to his blood loss and near-death experiences from the day previous. Still, other than those unwelcome visions that lasted for short bursts, he slept peacefully and restfully for the most part. They both did in fact, at least for two who had been run to their limits, and cut up besides. [hr] If they had been outside, it would be just dawn now. For they had gone to sleep quite early in the evening within the Tomb. But when Markus opened his eyes slowly, all he saw was the very small, flickering flame of the torch. He let out a grunt, his wounds and muscles still a tad sore. Though he tried to not move too much when he felt the familiar weight of Valerie on his leg. He'd let her rest however long she needed. He blinked, moving his hand off her wounded stomach to run through his hair and face. He knew there was more to be found further in. The small draft he felt in the air was testament to that. But what? He couldn't think well at the moment, sleep still clinging to his senses. [@Luminosity]