[i]So this is the place,[/i] Alex thought to himself. Alex sat quietly as the bus slowed down, looking out the window at the academy he would soon be calling home. Houndoom placed his head on his partner's shoulder, sighing as he received a scratch behind the ears. It had taken a bit of convincing to get the bus driver to allow Houndoom to be outside of his Pokeball, but it had been worth it; Alex had no desire to sit next to anyone, as they would no doubt think that a bus ride and somewhat awkward conversation would mean that they and Alex were now friends. "It's not like I hate people," Alex told Houndoom. "I just don't have the time or interest to get to know them. We both know why we're here, right?" Houndoom looked up at him, and Alex could swear he felt his friend nod. "Yeah. Power," he continued quietly. "We'll become the strongest of them all, and then no one will ever be able to kick us down again." As the bus finally came to a stop, the two of them began shuffling off with all the other students. A lot of them were talking and laughing. [i]I'm not heartless, and I'm not evil. I just have an absolute focus on who I want to be, and how I'm going to get there. And when I look at all these other students, all I see are obstacles waiting to be overcome.[/i] The pair began walking toward the entrance, glancing at their schedule. "Looks like our first class is homeroom," Alex said. Houndoom glanced up at him, then began to observe all the other Pokemon and trainers gathering in the area. Alex looked down at him. Houndoom's eyes were fierce and focused, never letting his guard down for an instant, and Alex knew he was taking careful account of every sight, sound, and scent he could detect. This drew a small smile from Alex. [i]Yeah. You and I are definitely partners, my friend.[/i] Alex looked back up, his eyes filled with determination and ferocity, mirroring those of his partner; both of them were looking ahead, seeing the path they'd chosen with clear and unclouded vision. They would walk that path until they stood on top of the world, and they would not falter, so long as they had each other. "Let's go, Houndoom." "Grruf."