[@LetMeDoStuff][@13org][@LightningLynx89][@Eklispe][@The One][@olcharlieboi][@deathclawow][@Ceta de Cloyes][@Keksalot]: Okay, this RP has been suffering problems, namely: - I may have portrayed the US Gov't as a bit too unreasonable. - Most of the PCs broke under pressure. - The GMPC and NPCs also broke under pressure, or at least found themselves inadequate. - The Main Quest and goals were a bit badly conceived. - Let's face it, after breaking under pressure, the PCs turned a bit psycho. So, who wants this rebooted? Either a 'soft reboot', in which case we timeskip while retconning out some things, or a 'hard reboot', aka a new game? A 'hard reboot' will allow us to get more players as well.