[center][h2][color=dodgerblue]Welcome to the Jungle[/color][/h2][/center] [@Kafka Komedy] Akoni navigated the dense jungle with some measure of difficulty. The brush was too thick to simple Surge through, and even if he did Mary could not keep up with him, which posed problems all unto its own. That meant he had to wade through it all by the power of his own feet and hands, arthritis and all. Such a task was an annoyance, really, but he kept going under the motivation to end the being within Sevrin's plans once and for all. The DHO wanted to put him on trial for betrayal, but many of those young crickets knew the truth. Sevrin was no longer Sevrin. That the orders were to bring him back for trial and not bring him back for an exorcism was nothing short of idiotic, and so Akoni actually had no intention of doing so. Once he found Sevrin, the old mage would certainly detain him, but then would focus on finding a way to remove the fallen angel from possession. If such a magic was beyond him, then Akoni would have no choice. He'd have to kill Sevrin to get to the apocalypse-rousing beast within. If the DHO complained, well, technically Akoni was retired, so their orders meant jack shit. [color=dodgerblue]"I do not have any magic to help track our target in this dense vegetation, and if you flew above I doubt you'd make anything out through the canopy of trees. Most frustrating. I cannot even clear a path with my gates as they cannot form where there is not enough space to contain them. Do you have any suggestions, cricket?"[/color] Akoni's voice was gruff, filled with irritation. Moreso than normal, anyway. He hated this jungle. As athletic as he was in his age this was all still a terrible chore. The young Order member would surely be having a more manageable time of it than he. Still, young and inexperienced as she was, she was leagues better company than Silas and he was grateful to have her with him. If both Sevrin and the Third Seal were in the area, it would be better to have all allies deployed.