[H1][color=ed1c24]Catherine Lillasteen, the Assassin[/color][/h1] [@Jackson monty] Catherine raised an eyebrow as the old man started to blab on about nuts and quils for what ever the reason was. She was about to say something but the man shrugged dismissing his thoughts and continued on. She growls with impatience and starts to drum her fingers on a root. He had started to blab about three questions that took way to long to finally reach his lips. He may be crazy, as it seemed, because he asked pretty stupid questions. She bit her lip trying to find a way out of this, but we're would she go with her injurys? It was way to big a risk so she just sank deeper into the roots to be more comfortable. She clicked her tongue in defeat and crossed her legs as she lay on the roots. [color=ed1c24] "Well first off my arm doesn't concern [b]you[/b] so don't ask. Second, I don't care what I eat, as long as it's not poisoned. And thirdly my favorite color is black. Now enough about me, who are you Gramps?"[/color] She offered a forced smile as she waited for him to answer.