She laughed at him. Why was she laughing? Already Tiberius was flustered, but now he was just embarrassed as his face became slightly red. He had always liked to think that it took a lot to embarrass him, but here was Fin making him so nervous he was doing it to himself. In little time to boot. He hadn't been like this since... No, that didn't matter right now. What did matter was regaining a sense of composure. He looked at the elf again and realized she hadn't been laughing at him because he was an idiot, but more so because he was being foolish. Her eyes, they twinkled when they locked gazes with each other. So caught up with earlier events, he hadn't really noticed that she was very pretty. Small, delicate was her frame, and her hair was just they way he fancied it. Her skin was smooth and unblemished, such as all elves he thought. He looked away suddenly and didn't really know what to do. It was impolite to stare at someone for as long as he had been doing, without at least saying a word. When she spoke again, her tone was different, almost playful in nature. Once again, he looked at her and a soft smile came to his lips. His mother once told him, 'Smile at a girl not because she's pretty, Ti, but because its the right thing to do.' [i]"So, you're in charge, huh? I like a guy who's in charge. You're pretty cool. I bet you've got a lady waiting for you, because there's no way knights like you stay alone."[/i] His voice was bitter when he spoke next, as a deep sadness filled his heart, [color=gold]"No. There is no one waiting for me at home, Ms. Vanarys. Not anymore."[/color] He didn't like to think about his past but it would have been inevitable at one point, someone would ask a question that would trigger the bad memories. The ones which he tried so hard to bury. For the sake of her memory, his families memory, he had always tried to do the right thing in the face of evil so that it would never have to happen again. No one god damn person deserves having everyone they held dear, ripped away in an instant by people with the power to do so. Tiberius turned his gaze at the fire and watched it flicker. It was funny, how something so small, had the potential to burn everything.