[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zb3326x.jpg[/img][/center] Elizabeth Carmine was still settling in at Cafe Thaza. After the complete and total demolition of the entire living block she had stayed at before, she was beyond thankful how her new job offer came with a place to temporarily stay at. Though, from what she had seen in the few days of her stay here, the term "temporary" was being taken rather liberal by some of the occupants of this place. Though she suspected that the people "Mom" allowed to become long-time tenants payed their rent in a currency known as "protection". And what a weird bunch that was, Hex thought as she closed the door to her claustrophobia-inducingly small room. Rearranging arrays of notes on a small digital notepad, she slowly made her way down the corridor. A list of rituals and incantations flew across the screen, statistics and news about what was currently happening in the area tagged as "read later", numerous items on a long "shopping list" crossed off or removed. Lost in though, she shuffled towards what was a living area of sorts. Nobody else seemed active right now in this part of the building, although she could hear muffled voices from behind some of the doors. Somewhere, somebody laughed hysterically. Or maybe it was crying. The young woman didn't care enough to find out. Instead, she approached the living room, which apparently had just become the scene of a medium-sized commotion. Hex saw a couple of the other cleaners gathering around some wounded kid, and immediately got out of the way. Neither was she decently educated to be of any help here, nor did she possess the skill set necessary. Seeing "Mom" [i]and [/i]Warthog made her swallow the comment her tongue immediately had come up with. Something about kitchen heat and eating bullets. She dodged one of the Doc's pets, which reminded her of a more adorable, smaller Glav. She hadn't seen this one before and resisted the urge to pet it, what with the inappropriateness that'd display in regards this bleeding idiot everyone cared so much about. As she silently let herself slide onto an armchair in the opposite corner of where the patient was being worked on, she only just noticed Zer0 hiding behind the big guy, as if she expected bullet-wound-kid to explode like a grenade any second now. Hex wondered how many of the bystanders there were actually, genuinely interested in helping, and who was just there to show off their awesome powers. How long she would have to live with these people before she'd start caring everytime some kiddo got shot in Neo Babylon. She pretended to be working on her notepad, but really she observed the assembled group, still trying to get a feel for their internal dynamics. Still far from feeling like an part of Cafe Thaza's community, instead of an intruder.