[center][h1][color=Goldenrod]Priest Azerus[/color][/h1][hr][color=gray]Location:[/color] [i]Alleyway, Shezze.[/i][/center][center][color=gray]Interacting with:[/color] [i]all[/i][hr][h2]***[/h2][/center] Azerus let out a long deep pained sigh. For a moment he looked as a withered old man in the shadows of his hood. With tired eyes he gazed over the people before him. His fierce composure slipping away to something more of sorrow as he deflated. His attention hung on the twins and their shameless display of magic. Without thought, intention or hesitation his mind instinctively raced to analyse and calculate his surroundings and possible opponents. But truthfully he didn't want to fight, he didn't want to have to kill more women, or the innocent bystanders, especially in front of a child. Luckily he had an out. Healing was a gift of light. Often the church helped these children discover such a gift but sometimes, just sometimes, due to no fault of their own, they would be late to find the holy path and develop it on their own. No one could truly say they understood the will or the workings of the God of light but as humble followers it was the churches job to see that such a gift was put to the correct use. It was their job to decide if the magic was a pure blessing and if so to bring it into servitude of the light. This was not something Azerus could decide on alone, he had to present the witches before a bishop. It was now his duty to see that they were escorted there. Slowly and calmly he walks down the alley towards the twin witches. The only sound is that of his feet displacing sand as he steps barefooted down the path. Beyond his gentle movements he subtly remains alert and cautious, all his senses at the ready.