[@Sir Lurksalot] Sounds good as a limiter. Will add it and write a bio as soon as I write my IC post in two RPs :) EDIT : [@Sir Lurksalot] [hider=Alexis STILL A WIP ] Name: Alexis Umbra Alias: Pictura Age: 26 Gender: Female Nationality/Place of Birth: Las Vegas, United States of America Base of Operations: Asheville, North Carolina, United States of America Occupation: Artist ( Painter/Writer ) [hider=Appearance: ] [img]http://linkbeef.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/15-of-the-hottest-female-red-headed-celebrities-8.jpg[/img] Her costume is basically a long black sleek dress with a hood and a [url=https://drunktits.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/the_mask_of_loki1.jpg] mask [/url]. [/hider] Personality: Alexis is a girl of imagination. Always dreamy, always ready to paint. Alexis is loyal to her friends and always ready to help someone in need. Skills: Krav Maga fighting style for self-defense Can Paint Can cook one hell of a meal Abilities: [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Imagination_Manifestation] The ability to bring anything from one's imagination into existence. [/url] The only downside of this ability for Alexis is that for now, she can only bring objects that are no bigger than a [url=http://www.marthastewart.com/sites/files/marthastewart.com/imagecache/wmax-330/images/content/web/pets/akc/2009Q4/norfolk_akc_bloom_hd.jpg] small dog [/url] and can only make four objects per day. First object will give her a dizziness, the second will give her an headache, the third will give her a big headache and the fourth object will put her into a coma. But. It all matters of the kind of object she creates. If it's something complex, every symptom will increase and will eventually kill her if she tries to create something too complex for her. Bio: Alexis was born in the city of sin. Daughter to a painter and writer, she lived part of her life Other: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2dhWNUQkF0] Theme song [/url] [/hider]