[center][h1][color=Blue]The Citadel's Tower[indent]0600 hours[indent]Monday[/indent][/indent][/color][/h1][/center] Gregory was a tall human. Around 2.3 meters exactly with long white hair, showing his age. His toned muscles could be seen as he didn't wore an armor like the rest of the Templar but wore a thin black vest and a white shirt on him and trousers that had mud on them. If one could guess, he traveled all night to come here. Big dark circles gathered around his eyes, yet another sign that he didn't sleep all night. His face didn't betrayed no emotion at all, as if nothing happened. Gregory looked outside his window at the people that were brought by his Holy Templar. A small look of disgust showed on his face for a second and then was gone when the Magi were brought in. His office was a big room, full of books about combat and the Magi. There was a small layer of dust on some objects of the room, showing yet again that the office was not used for more than a few days. Some papers were on the desk and he looked at them again and again and again until he finally sighted and nodded his head at the Holy Templar that stayed at his door waiting for the order to bring in the first soldiers and Magi. Alexis, Luca, Isabella, Kyras, Esailia, Briss, Kahleni and Landvarian were brought in the room. Gregory stood up and with the sunrise at his back made a big shadow over them, as if he was the largest man in the world. He looked at each soldier and frowned, especially when he turned his gaze upon the Magi. Only two of them but they were enough to cause problems for everyone in the room. Gregory turned his back to them and looked at the sun that was slowly winning the fight with the night then turned around and said : " [color=green] Soldiers. Sorry for the rude awakening, everyone. It happened exactly the same for me. I traveled from the Capital all night to get here. [/color] " Alexis nodded at his words. If Magi were brought here and the Ascended Templar was brought from the Capital, something bad [i] did [/i] happen. She watched him with interest as he continued his speech. " [color=green] Now. We have to hurry so I won't keep you all long. I have to inform you of something. We had a theft. A burglar stole an Amulet piece from the Artifactorium last night. I guess no one heard a thing about it. You wander why ? Because I have been ordered by the Emperor himself to not let this information spread. Nothing is known about the theft itself. Only that we lost 10 Holy Templar and a small explosion destroyed every artifact in the Artifactorium. That is the reason I brought you and all the others here. Even the...accursed Magi. The Emperor gave me a mission, to gather my best soldiers, my best mercenaries and the most accomplished Magi and send them to the other places where the amulet pieces are kept. [/color] " Alexis stared at the Ascended Templar in disbelief and before he could continue to talk, she spoke up "[color=silver] I'm sorry sir but I have to ask. How can a thief penetrate the Citadel's defenses, get to the most guarded place in the Citadel without being seen, kill 10 of the best trained soldiers in the world and then enter the Artifactorium, make an explosion that can destroy whatever was kept there and then escape without anyone seeing him ? [/color]" Alexis couldn't believe what she just heard. Gregory frowned. He asked himself the same question but couldn't find an answer. Nonetheless he looked at Alexis and said : "[color=green] We don't know and it doesn't matter. What matters is that we have to get the other pieces of the Amulet. I guess you all know the story. My great-grandmother, Saint Courage, devised a plan to destroy the Magi "Gods" source of power. The Amulet of Dala'radan. When she succeeded doing so by unknown means, the Rapture happened and she went out Boralis with a piece of the said Amulet. She fell on her knees and her final words were "There are others". No one knew what she was talking about but they pieced the pieces together. The Amulet broke into pieces and flew in the place we now know The Wasteland. Your mission, everyone's mission is to travel to the Wasteland and find whatever means you can to destroy the other pieces of the Amulet. Whoever possesses them will be allowed to use the Magi "Gods" powers. We cannot let that happen. [/color]" Alexis was dumbstruck by what she heard. They were sending them on a fools quest. A one way mission. A suicide mission for the Empire. She knew for what she was in for when she joined the Templar but this was too much for her. "[color=silver] Don't get me wrong, sir, but...the Wasteland ? It's...well...called the Wasteland for a reason. How can we find the Amulet pieces ? No one alive knows where they landed and the creatures there ? Also. You are sending Magi with us ? What stops them from slashing out throats at night and run away to be free ? [/color]" she kept her tone neutral but some emotion could be sensed in her words. Gregory nodded and proceeded to say : "[color=green] Yes, the Wasteland. How ? Simple. You shall search them. There cannot be many places to search left so it will be an easy job in a way, as for the creatures ? You are all trained soldiers of the Empire. You can handle a few creatures. [/color]" when the last question was asked Gregory grinned and looked at the Holy Templar that surrounded the group. "[color=green] I'm glad you asked. Our state of the art explosive devices. They are based on an enchantment of a simple explosive powder. They work the same as our phylacteries only that those that have it in their blood are "attached" to each other. If one of them dies, all die. If one decides to abandon the others, guess what ? All die. It's just a prototype for now but soon it will be made available to all Magi. It will revolutionize our Magi containment facilities. At first it will start with a headache and then it will evolve into a searing pain. What comes after is what I like the most...their hearts explode. Now. Guards ! Inject everyone with the new explosive devices. [/color] " and no soon after the Holy Templar that were around the group injected everyone with the devices before they could do anything to stop them. " [color=silver] What...what ?! [/color]" Alexis quickly removed one of her blades but the Holy Templar were too close to her to do anything. She frowned and said : "[color=silver] . Now. Can we leave sir ? Please. I think we could all use a rest and time to prepare. [/color] " " [color=green] Sure. But first. Is everyone, ok with this ? If not...*looking at the Holy Templar, they all draw their swords* it was a pleasure to meet you. Sorry but the Emperor gave this order, we cannot let anyone know what happened. Oh' and...unmuzzle the Magi to hear their replies.[/color]" [hider=The O' Great and Mighty Ping List] [@Kyrisse][@BlackPanther][@Gareth][@Esailia][@canaryrose][@Xandrya][@Shadow Daedalus][@Caits] [/hider]