I'd like to stress that the only reason why Mason Brady is getting shit canned is because Katakon had a history of doing this in the past, is extremely inactive, and doesn't respond to messages directed at them. No one else is in danger of being taken out, and you can bet that I'll have the common courtesy to contact you well in advance before plucking anyone for inactivity. I don't remove characters from my role plays to "punish" them, just to keep things moving smoothly. [quote=@FantasyChic] I'll be honest, been going back and forth if I want to stay in this. I've just not been feeling it. I can't put a finger on why either. I love the Danganronpa games. It's not the pace either because it's going about what I expected. It may have changed recently but nothing major. I'm not out yet, just debating if I will remain or not [/quote] Didn't you go through something like this two weeks ago with your last post? My roleplay/GM style isn't for everyone. Some players thrive while others lavish. You won't be holding anyone back if you want out. I won't get mad if you want to leave. There are plenty of people here who are enjoying themselves, so there's no need to feel compelled to stay if you aren't enjoying yourself.