[center][sub]collab between [@dabombjk] and [@Light the Dark][/sub] [h1][color=a187be][i]Caity[/i][/color] and [color=0076a3][i]Kieran[/i][/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Lcf39xN.png[/img][/center] Kieran looked at Tabitha and rolled his eyes, but in a teasing way. He could almost guess what she was thinking and encouraged her to do so. With a nudge and a nose tap Kieran signaled to Tabi to sit down and start sketching. He did not see any harm in her doing this, and drawing may help her deal with the ever changing reality of the situation that was currently unfolding before their eyes. Kieran smiled at her, let go of her hand, and took a few quick steps forward so he could gently tap Caity on the shoulder. When she turned around to look at him, he started to speak, wanting to apologize for how rude he was earlier, and apologize for how Tabi seemed to be a little sensitive. He wanted to explain both his and her actions, but stopped dead short when Caity turned around. It was if he saw her in a new light suddenly, with her face glistening with a golden glow and her eyes shining like brilliant twin suns. Kieran almost stuttered when he spoke first but remained calm. [color=0076a3]"Hi...hi. Look I am sorry about earlier, not the best of introductions huh?"[/color] Kieran smiled and tried to do his magic calming look. Kieran vaguely noticed the black and red sand dust flowing freely around them, and the soft music in the back round. It was as if his mind, his ever so strongly trained and witty mind, could realize something was happening but he was not strong enough yet to resist. [color=0076a3]"Lets reintroduce ourselves, my name is Kieran Hishamie. You said you read one of my books?"[/color] Caity had turned to face him, slightly annoyed that he had stopped her from warning Nico. An apology was nice and all, and she appreciated it - but couldn't it wait? And what on [i]earth[/i] was with that smug look upon his face? No wonder he had snapped at her earlier - and here she had let who he was change her mind about it! She waved a hand in front of her face, knocking away sparkling glitter from the air in front of her. [color=a187be]"Uhm, I know who you are. I'm Caity. And thanks, I appreciate the apology, but now really isn't the time... I mean, it's like a glitter factory exploded right now." [/color] She [i]would[/i] have said something a bit more colorful, but saying a unicorn pissed over everything might be a bit crude. She turned to walk away once more, but found she couldn't just yet. Caity turned back to the author. [color=a187be]"Yes, I've read your books. All of them, actually. Part of the librarian gig, you know?"[/color] And Caity honestly couldn't believe that it was [i]this[/i] man who had wrote 'Deep Down'. Kieran forgot he was suppose to be distracting Caity so Tabi could do her thing, ignored the weird sand dust stuff that was all around them, and even forgot for the moment they were in fairy land. Kieran just found himself drawn in, her wit being so charming and her book no how was also interesting. That and fact that she actually read his books was very appealing. He did not normally run into fans of his, even though he had some best sellers, and he loathed it usually when he did. But.....for some reason it was like a veil had been lifted and he just was enamored with what he saw. He didn't......feel different but it was like he saw everything that make Caity amazing. Kieran pocketed one hand and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. [color=0076a3]"That's so awesome, thanks for reading my books. My favorite so far is my New Voyage series, but I was thinking of making a spin off or a sequel to my romantic novel "Deep Down". If you want while we are here If I work on anything I can give you a sneak peak."[/color] Kieran hoped he was being charming. He wasn't sure how to go about this, and there was a pounding in his brain that started to develop. Even ten minutes ago, Caity would have replied 'thank you for writing them!' But now, as Kieran looked at her with that smug smile on his face, the words caught in her throat.[color=a187be] "I'm honestly not so much of a fan of New Voyage. It's well written, of course, but you seem to have lost the creative spark that you had with 'Deep Down'."[/color] She might as well be honest with him. [color=a187be]"Daniel is a bit...entitled, don't you think? He is the one that struggles the least, his life is the best in both worlds, and he is as much the arrogant, spoiled man at the end of the novel as he was at the start. But you heap praises on him, as if he has the most difficult time."[/color] She was starting to see 'Daniel' and Kieran had a lot in common. Self centered and arrogant, with a confidence that was more ego than substance. How she had let herself be washed away by his writing before was beyond her. How could anything so beautiful come from a mind of someone so full of himself? Kieran was caught off guard by her comments. He thought he wrote New Voyage pretty well, and Daniel was a very popular creation of his, but she didn't like either? At the same time Kieran only admired her more, he admired how honest she was and straight about her thoughts and feelings, and how she was so open with him even though they just met. [color=0076a3]"Well....thank you for telling me that. Not many people would so willingly tell me the faults in my creations."[/color] Kieran gave a hearty laugh. [color=0076a3]"It gladdens me to know I have a reader so confident and honest, it makes me feel like I am writing for good people. New Voyage is my best seller, but if Daniel is such a turn off maybe I should focus on another project you think? What do you think, as a reader, my readers would enjoy the most?"[/color] [color=a187be]"I think you denied Sally everything. She worked so hard, and in the end ended up with [i]nothing[/i]. As a reader, it was unsatisfying. You have characters come from different walks of life, only to have the rich or well off succeed. It's like that enough in real life - give people someone to root for that isn't an ass."[/color] Caity shrugged, and looked around. She still had to talk to Nico. And she wanted to get away from the disappointment of a man that Kieran turned out to be. And besides, there was something pulling her away from the author. A tugging inside of her - an insistence she had somewhere else to be. [color=a187be]"I have to go. It was...informative... talking to you."[/color] Kieran nodded politely, hiding his disappointment. He had though he well written characters and plots, with an ending that irritated fans, made them laugh, cry, basically just leaving them off wanting them more and drawing conclusions of their own. This was all so.......Kieran put a hand to his temple, slightly irritated that the pounding in his head was there at all. [color=0076a3]"Yes thank you again. If you ever want to talk shop, or want more info on my writing, or just want to give me advice please find me. You are a well spring of good intentions yet untapped."[/color] Kieran gave Caity a two finger salute, smiled, then turned around and started walking back to Tabi who he hoped he had bought enough time.....fifteen minutes should have been enough right?