[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color]— Stillwater —[/center] Leisy paused at Olivie’s words — she figured the spindly-looking white insect-type ought to be Olivie, especially considering the disdainful look it had on its face — but wasn’t affected. The tall white-and-yellow bug could think what it wanted; Leisy was too engrossed in her new body to care. Her arms — in appearance — were white and fragilely thin, almost paper-like in feel. However, Leisy knew differently; the exceedingly thin and flat limbs were were made of steel rather than paper, tapering off on every surface to form impossibly sharp blades that began but never seemed to end along the edges of her body. Around her, battles broke out between the strange beasts she assumed were her friends and the nearby wilds. Of the ones she could identify, she knew her Pokemon wouldn’t be able to defeat them in a fair match. [i]But now,[/i] she thought, springing up into the air above the fray. From her vantage above, she could spot the Octillery dragging itself towards Olivie and the Xatu flying towards Ella. Looking to her left, Leisy — rather than dodging — spun towards the approaching Togetic, stretching her arms out towards the blue- and red-speckled normal-type before retracting them in the blink of an eye. The winged white Pokemon flinched back in alarm, two long lines forming on either side of its body as it fell. The lines lengthened and their borders of red widened until the gashes split open, bawling blood as the Pokemon splattered to the ground. Leisy landed delicately next to the mess, sidestepping the liquid in favor of dry land. She was to remain clean — as clean as her cuts were. The ground below her shook as a orange, rock-humped mammal stomped towards her, shaking the earth and spewing a mixture of smoke and fire. To Leisy, the Pokemon might have seemed rather large, but size was irrelevant to her now. [i]Well, not completely irrelevant,[/i] she thought, stretching her arms out at her side. [i]A bigger target is always welcome.[/i] The Cut-fest that began featured an array of Sacred Swords, Air Cutters, Fury Cutters, and Razor Leafs. Her opponents may have been bigger or faster than her, but their physical attacks were all met head-on by Leisy’s blades. Special attacks were hard to shake off, but that was only if they hit. And most of the time they didn’t. A fluttering of wings announced the arrival of a new opponent, and Leisy spun around in glee at the prospect of a new sculpture. Which cut had been the most fun — the bloody ones or the ones that made them squeal? But, facing the bird Pokemon in front of her, the steel origami paused — and then was alarmed that she did so. [i]What — what’s wrong with me?[/i] she thought, looking at the larger orange-and-black bird in front of her. [i]Why can’t I attack it?[/i] [hr][hider=Leisy’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 126 +1 +1(HHG bonus) = 128 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 3 [*]Greatball x 2 [*]Rare Candy x 2 [*]Twisted Spoon [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Bidein “Dei” ♂ — Fletchinder (11) [*]Naunet ♀ — Piplup (11) [*]Devinco “Devi” ♂ — Larvitar (9) [*]Cassia “Sia” ♀ — Ekans (1) [*]Tyrus ♂ — Gastly (2) [*]Animo “Nemo” ♂ — Sewaddle (1) [/list][/hider] [@luckyblackcat] [@lugubrious] [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color]— Ironforge —[/center] The destruction was clear, even from a distance: beams — some singed and some melted through entirely — had failed to support the rest of the structure properly, leading to the partial collapse of the roof. The eastern side saw the most damage, being nearly reduced to molten rubble, whereas the western side looked mostly intact and rather ornate despite being entirely of steel. [color=indianred]“What is this place?”[/color] Shanae asked as the Lairon she was riding on slowed to a steady trot. “It’s a shrine to Registeel, the iron Pokemon in legends,” Marvin said as the pair slowed down to a stop in front of the partially-molten building. “Registeel’s body represents what every metalworker aspires to since it’s said that its body is harder than any metal on this planet.” [color=indianred]“Huh. So like a honorary statue? Are there legends about it around the area?”[/color] “No. It’s just a shrine,” the boy said, walking towards the building with Shanae in tow. “All the metalworking names in the area put money into the construction of this shrine. Making a building completely of metal costs a lot more than you’d expect.” [color=indianred]“I can see that happening,”[/color] Shanae said, resting a hand on one of the nearby steel beams. The steel was cold to the touch, sucking the heat from her palm. [color=indianred]“Solid steel… How extravagant.”[/color] “That’s what the other owners told me, but they all pitched in in the end,” a baritone voice said. Shanae looked up to see Markus Terra standing at the top of the short staircase, mustache and bowtie as perfectly arranged as ever. “Nice to see you again, Ms. Eller. It’s been a good year or two, hasn’t it?” [hr][hider=Shanae’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [Founder] [b]TP:[/b] 33 +1 +1(HHG) = 35 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 2 [*]Evolution Shard x 1 [*]Great Ball x 1 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Ebon ♂ — Houndour (8) [*]Turris ♂ — Aron (8) [*]Dius ♂ — Trapinch (6) [*]Amatorius ♂ — Jigglypuff (7) [*]Alcedo “Alci” ♀ — Joltik (2) [*]Otiosus “Oti” ♂ — Lombre (5) [*]Endymion “Endy” ♂ — Lapras (10) [hider=Pokemon Reserves:][list][*]♀ — Hoppip (1) [/list][/hider][/list][/hider][hr] 135 CP