[h2] [color=orange]Landvarian[/color] [/h2] [hr] Landvarian seemed to be paying more attention to his new surroundings then what was being said. That is, until something being stolen was mentioned. Large ears swiveled to Gregory. A look of interest was clear in his eyes and obviously he was ignoring the insults lobbed at his kind. Suddenly he was very excited for this. A chance to be outside and see the world. Though the catch was mentioned and his ears flattened. Humans...Templars....always distrusting him. Even though he had be stuck in a cell all his life. Well most of his life save for the training that gave him a very special skill they didn't know about. The shot came and he hissed as the Templar shoved the shot into his arm then backed away. The muzzle was removed and his pink tongue swiped along his maw. One Templar looked at Gregory. One that gave him food often. [b]Sir the white cat doesn't-[/b] [color=orange]"I'm quite okay with it"[/color] shock went through the man and a few of the others. They had never heard him utter a sound. They thought he was mute. He tilted his head and smiled. A toothy grin of someone who knew they did something a bit impish. His voice was even surprising. Given how serval like he was a high pitched voice would be expected instead a rather smooth voice eased its way to their ears. Pink eyes glanced at each and he chuckled. [color=orange]"I mean I don't have a choice either way but this way I get to be out of that cell"[/color] he then looked at his chained paw like hands with thick gloved over them and then back at the men. [color=orange]"Don't suppose these can come off now eh?"[/color]