[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Amalgum University Group: [@Broyeabro][@Sho Minazuki][@alexfangtalon][@I-Am-X][@Alder] GM: [@floodtalon] [hr][/center] Jack was happy about the idea of having a prehistoric Pokemon on his team. But even more so, he was glad that nobody was seriously hurt during the attack on the college. Curiously, the professor seemed to have no such trouble with battling Damian, and this made Jack wonder how strong of a trainer the professor really was. Nonetheless, he hadn't been harmed. As they went on to revive more Pokemon, Jack stayed and watched over the revival process of each individual Pokemon. As they went through to explain the complicated process, Jack pulled out his Pokedex, making sure to add each species as they were reborn. He couldn't believe how many prehistoric Pokemon there were. After they had finished, Jack put away his Pokedex made his way to the reserve.