[Color=DarkOrange][H1][i][b][Centre]RYZIN[/Centre][/b][/i][/H1][/color] [Color=Yellow][H3][i][b][Centre]AMALGAM UNIVERSITY[/Centre][/b][/i][/H3][/color] [Centre]GM:[@sho][/Centre] After watching all the other trainers get there fossil pokemon, Ryzin waits with a growing anticipation to receive his reward. When the next fossil is starting to be revived holding Dm in his arms there both staring intently at the process, after the bright light of resurrection passes, Ryzin and Dm see the cutest pokemon sitting on its hind legs, slowly it starts blinking its somewhat biggish eyes trying to greet the new world. Dm leaps out of Ryzin's arms jumping up and down pointing at this new pokemon, [color=Yellow]"Yes Dm I am quite found of this myself lets take a closer look"[/color]. As they approach the little cutey the professor approaches them as says, [color=Red]"This is called an Amaura its a rock and ice type pokemon what do you think?"[/color]. [color=Yellow]"This has to be one of the cutest things I've seen"[/color], Ryzin reaches out to Amaura, [color=Yellow]"hey little buddy how would you like to journey with me and Dm here?, it would be lots of fun"[/color]. Amaura looks at him tilting his head to the side, then leans in to sniff his hand, HAAACHOOO!, Amaura sneezes and lets out a puff of snow flakes from its nose. Dm starts cracking up laughing at Ryzin seeing his face covered in snotty snow flakes, Ryzin just looks at Dm and shakes his head, then turns back to Amaura not realizing Amaura is right in his face. He gets a little bit of a shock, then Amaura gives him a big slurpy lick across the face trying to clean up the mess he made all over Ryzin. [color=Red]"HAHAHAHHAHA I think you three are going to get along famously here is Amaura's pokeball, I hope I get to see what becomes of you and your pokemon young man"[/color]. [color=Yellow]"Well now all we need to do now is decide on a name for you, what to call you, how about Shiva? what do you think?[/color], Shiva does a little jumping, nods then taps his head on the pokeball, then returns safe and sound. Ryzin then looks to his faithful companion, then back to the professor and humbly asks him [color=Yellow]"Hey Professor you wouldn't by chance have a spare pokedex would you, I'm kinda new to the whole trainer thing and my buddy Dm here loves to battle, So I thought Id do some battling maybe look into the pokemon gyms aswell, I just learned from this old guy about the pokedex and I really need one, I thought you might have one lying around?".[/color][color=Red]"Well young man since you asked so kindly by chance yes I do have one here on me, I was going to give it to one of my assistants but I can always get him another one from my office, I also assume you haven't got a trainer card or registered for the pokemon league?".[/color][color=Yellow]"Well short story nope not at all."[/color][color=Red] "Not to worry I will fix you up since you were a great help here, follow me".[/color] After a while Ryzin got all set and ready to go he moves back to the entrance of the reserve and stops for a moment. He then pulls out his pokedex and points it at Totodile, [color=Yellow]"Lets check this thing out",[/color] [color=SpringGreen]Totodile. Resembles a blue crocodile with red spines on its back and tail, despite the smallness of its body, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. While the Pokemon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury.[/color]Ryzin thinks to himself, wow this is neat then notices Dm posing like some sort of hero. [color=Yellow]"Really Dm, yes your jaws are strong, you're such a blowhard its so cute, look at the little cutie Totodile all strong and cute like".[/color] Dm turns around folds her arms, stamps her foot and gets all flustered with embarrassment. [color=Yellow]"HAHAHHAHAHA I am only teasing come on buddy lets go to the reserve see what awaits us there".[/color]