[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Jesus, that was stupid, who the hell is going to intelligently defend something as negative and broad as 'being a proud asshole'? I think the point of the thread is [b]ask the appeal of things that you think people might actually be a fan of[/b], instead of just trying to indirectly virtue signal that you 'dont understand bad people' smh. [/quote] Then what's the appeal of anal? Anyways, to answer your question, DCEU really rides off the backs of lore and superhero fans and their wants. It's a superhero action movie; you see the people you like, they do the things you like, and they fight the things you like in the way you like. It really is pandering, but it gives good entertainment to people who want that kind of show. I find it only redeeming because it's a DC film, and it gives to DC fans, who want DC films. There's really not much to talk about it after that. Movies have to cater to some audience, right? [i][sub][b]Disclaimer:[/b] I'm not saying all DC fans want half-baked action films, I'm only saying that's what the studios are putting out, and that's what the crowds of movie-goers are eating up. DC comics are pretty ok; the movies are not (in my opinion).[/sub][/i]