[center][h2]Lord Aldwyn Gerantius [sub][i]"The Heart of All"[/i][/sub][/h2] [hr][hr][/center] [indent][indent][color=cccccc]"Of course, I am well aware that while our people have the fire burning in their hearts for vengeance cannot accurately be portrayed by the illustrious Ostreian Black Army."[/color] Aldwyn dabbed his mouth with a napkin once he finished chewing a piece of meat, [color=cccccc]"As such, let me lay out my current military plans which I have envisioned: A recruitment and arming process will obviously have to happen and I will not lie and say that it will be cheap and quick. As such, to stem the green horde, I propose that our finest and most loyal men sally out and preform precision strikes on their vulnerable areas. Using skilled bowmen to pick off their leadership from afar, using cavalry to quickly raid their outlying camps to spread panic and the use of terror to slow them down while we rebuilt our strengths. Under ideal circumstances such actions would be enough to defeat the orcs but I am not so foolishly optimistic to believe in that dream. As such, I am willing to provide 4,000 of my finest riders to this cause and potentially more should it find traction. Now, in paying for it, I find a potential boon for Osteria. I foresee an obvious increase in the demand of iron and a slightly smaller increase for grain. War taxes shall be levied with special exemptions to those who join the ranks of the Black Army and equipped themselves to some degree. I also propose a "penny-a-pound" tax where all trade is subject to a one penny tax per pound of goods; a small enough tax that it should not disturb the daily going-ons of mercantilism while also trickling in some income for military usage."[/color] Craning his head ever so slightly towards Anfel, [color=cccccc]"And, if I may be as so bold, propose that we attempt a defensive alliance with both the Elves and the Dwarves. As previously stated, we ALL live in Osteria and that if one of us falls to the Orc menace, all of us very well may. Surely they will see the need for their own warriors to pick up arms against a foe that threatens us all and there are some in this very room whose skills will become invaluable for when that time comes. This also transitions nicely into my second, related topic of our brothers and sisters who also share this land. Provided I am so graciously granted the power to do so, I plan to meet with both races's representatives. It could also be an opportune time to try and strike a deal with them in this new trifecta alliance and usher in a new age of cooperation."[/color] Now addressing what his compatriot, Lord James Conrad, Aldwyn raised his voice, [color=cccccc]"Just because the orc's have bested us once does not mean they shall do it again! I do trust that those here with the most intensely fire of revenge burning with in them shall see to it that such incidents shan't happen again. I advise the greater use of scouting parties to counter act ambushes in this case, if my limited military mind does suggest. The beasts of the Floodplains are a problem yes, but have you no faith in your vassal good Duke of the Summit? I do believe it fit to grant him a reprieve from any conscription or recruitment for the safety of his own lands, but do you truly see Baron Conrad Sforza as such a man incapable of leading men to defend his own homeland? Do you share such thoughts that all of us are so weak? Is that why you are so hesitant to make war? Why you have yet to volunteer a single man of your own while I have already openly stated I am offering half of my finest horsemen to do battle despite you being in one of the safest locations in the empire? With all due respect, I do not call myself a military man but even scholars are known to have a spine man! And please do tell where this 'rebellion' that would 'quickly rise up' come from? With someone so inexperienced with matters of administration and stewardship at the helm, I can only imagine why someone would say that! And you continue to mock us with words such as 'I can see the fear in your eyes when you speak of the orcs' to the man who up until recent voted for you! The man known as Lord Demorotius! Do you fail to see the flaming passion of hate and contempt which he holds for the vile orcs? You call for drawing back because as a leader of the people you would fail to do what a king is supposed to do: protect them! Now is not the time to cower away while the green tide grows ever larger. No, now is our time to stand strong and unite and to tell those monsters we know NO fear and that they will get NO mercy and NO rest until every last one of their heads stands upon a pike atop this hall!"[/color] Aldwyn's voice was loud and passionate but still firmly in his control, his passions may have rose but not his temper and gracefully retired to his seat and cleared his throat, waiting for a response to his speech. [/indent][/indent]